HOMELESS GRADUAT ING SENIORS By Doris Reisinger Please note Dr. Julio Caba will be speaking at Monday Coffee on March 3. This is a presentation not to be missed as he was once homeless himself, and talks about what motivated him to rise above it. He has contact with these students and tries to coach them to a greater life. The program is still in need of gift cards in small amounts 5, 10 or 15 dollars from fast food restaurants, Walmart, etc. Other items include personal hygiene items, new twin sheet sets, pocket size first aid kit, pocket size sewing kit, small pocket flashlights and most importantly, financial donations. These can be dropped off at either Activities Desk. We will have about 140 homeless students this year. If you would like to contribute funds for a duffel bag with contents it costs approximately $145. Any questions, contact Doris at 217-652-6636. GIVING HEARTS DAY February 13 is Giving Hearts Day. Giving is something that brings you joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment like nothing else can. Giving Hearts Day is an opportunity to donate to charity organizations and those in need. It is a great way to show compassion and help those that need our help. There are many Lake Ashton charities you can support on this day. The best gifts to give are those from the heart! RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS DAY One can never go wrong with kindness, and there can never be too much of it. The idea behind National Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17 is to cultivate feelings of kindness and brighten up someone’s day. Every small act of kindness is significant. It may seem like it doesn’t accomplish much but, just like the domino effect, one act of kindness can lead to more positive outcomes. Pay for the person behind you in the drive through, hold the door for a stranger, don’t hold back from uplifting others with compliments and compassion on this day. HEARTFELT HUGS A group of LA Residents donate their time, talent and treasure by crocheting or knitting baby blankets and baby hats for Winter Haven Women’s Hospital and for the needy. This is such a worthy cause and so greatly appreciated. Blankets are made on our own time (no meetings!!) and dropped off for delivery. It is a fun way to spend your evenings, watching tv, creating a baby blanket to donate and it is so rewarding. If you are interested in this project, contact MJ Richards at mjmrichards517@gmail.com for more information. No battle in your life will last forever! Neither will every blessing last forever. If you are in a blessing right now enjoy it because there will always be another battle. I spoke with a resident this week about his wife and another condition that came out of the blue. They have been through a lot but push through together like a team as if they are fighting together. The first thing that comes to mind is an old saying “Embrace the Struggle”. This morning I saw him again and like always he was positive and upbeat. He actually asked me how I was and how my family was. Talk about a perfect example of how Iron sharpens Iron. While I was trying to encourage him, he was trying to encourage me! My hope is that when another battle comes your way you push through and endure it because there will always be another blessing. -Alex Fuertes, Maintenance Supervisor

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