GOLF LAMGA By David Kubissa Important league business dominated the fourth quarter of the year, with an updated set of bylaws going before the membership and passing by a wide margin of 74-4. The changes clarified officers’ duties and revised wording, including a section that complies with financial guidance recommended during LAMGA’s annual audit. As this article goes to press, the annual election to fill three board seats was scheduled to take place with results to be announced at the Dec. 4 annual meeting and luncheon. Enrollment forms for the 2025 season came out the last week in November. The board set annual league dues at $35, effective Feb. 1, 2025. Members who enroll before that date will pay the current rate of $25. In other business, the board set the dates for the 2025 Member-Guest Tournament as Thursday, March 6 – Saturday, March 8. Enrollment will open in January. The annual Red Hoagland Hyundai Challenge that began in January 2024 ended on Oct. 23. The competition recognizes the four golfers who earned the most money in pro shop credits during the weekly LAMGA games. In a tight battle for first place, Doug Hines came in first, after finishing second in 2023. Doug along with the other three top finishers will receive gift certificates, courtesy of Red Hoagland Hyundai. The top finishers are pictured below, left to right, with the amounts they earned during the season: 1. Doug Hines, $187; 2. Mike Krigelski, $182.30; 3. Steve Kettells, $180.90; 4. Frank Vasquenza $156.25. Pictured right: Jim Kutsch, one of several LAMGA members in the November 9 Pink Ribbon Day Tournament, completed his outfit with a special pair of shorts just for the occasion. Sponsor salute: Thanks to the following businesses that contributed to the LAMGA program this year: Charm City, Lake Wales Family Restaurant, Ovation Bistro & Bar, Schack’s Bar-B-Q, Sizzling Grill. LA NINERS By Sandy Hockenberry Donations from the Niners’ this year are going to Snively Elementary School’s Baskets of Giving event. The Niners generously donated items such as toys, beauty items, candles, jewelry, crafts, gift cards, etc. These donation items will make up baskets for a raffle. Students are encouraged to read books, and then take an AR test to earn tickets to put in the raffle basket of their choice. If they win a raffle basket, it will be given as a gift for a family member this holiday season. A special shout out to new Niner, Sophia Utnick-Brennan and her foundation, LA Hands 4 Hope for their substantial donation. The LA Niners would like to welcome new members: Sandra Alford, Tassy DeAngelo, Barb Farmer, Cecily Harmon, Pamela Langell, Debbie Shillito and Sophia Utnick-Brennan. If you are interested in joining the Niners, please stop in the Pro Shop for an application. Everyone is welcome and we are looking forward to a fun-filled season! The December games will be: Dec. 3: 4-Person Scramble Fun Day (team game) followed by a Holiday Luncheon at the Eagle’s Nest. Dec. 10: Throw Out One (individual game) Dec. 17: Shamble – Two Best Nets (team game) Dec. 24: Convert 1 Hole to PAR (individual game) Dec. 31: Step-Aside Scramble (team game) The Niners would like to wish you and yours, a safe, happy and healthy holiday season! 41

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