…..Continued from previous page The eruv extends to all household members. Guests staying with the family are included in the family’s eruv. A person who is unable to make his own eruv may, by agreement, join in another person's eruv. Before the owner recites the bracha and the eruv proclamation, he must lift up the eruv food with the intention of obtaining a share in it. A short term guest can also use this procedure to be included in the household eruv. Even with the eruv, the preparation for Shabbos should conclude early in the afternoon. All foods should be at least one third cooked before the onset of Shabbos. Thus, one should not delay the preparation of cholunt or any other food that requires lengthy preparation. Even if one isn't planning to cook on Friday for Yom Tov (i.e., one is invited out for the Shabbos meals or is a guest in a hotel), an eruv should still be prepared. There is a disagreement among the poskim if a bracha is recited when an eruv is made in this situation. Therefore, one should not make a bracha. However, it is considered proper to cook something, such as heating water for Shabbos on Friday, and thereby a bracha would be recited when preparing the Eruv Tavshilin. If the eruv food was eaten before Shabbos, or if one forgot to make an Eruv Tavshilin, one should consult a competent Rabbinical authority. 34
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