GROWING MEDIUM & FERTILISERS SEASOL SEASOL COMMERCIAL Seasol is 100% organic seaweed concentrate containing trace elements, alginates, carbohydrates and vitamins. Derived from a blend of the finest brown kelps from around the world. Durvilaea potatorum from the North West waters of Tasmania and Ascophyllum nodosum from the North Atlantic Ocean. Seasol is manufactured at the highest solids content of any kelp product available in the Australian market. Seasol has a profound effect on root growth and enhances the reproductive capacity of a plant. Seasol also improves fruit set, increases tolerance to heat, drought and frost conditions, is non-toxic and completely safe to use on all plants, all year round. CODE DESCRIPTION SIZE (LTRS) 20005 Seasol Commercial 5 20006 Seasol Commercial 20 20007 Seasol Commercial 200 20008 Seasol Commercial 1000 SEASOL +PLUS Seasol+Plus is a unique blend of Fish, Bull Kelp, Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid. It is a bio-positive material providing an outstanding balance of animal and plant derived organic materials, including a wide spectrum of nutrients and bio complexes. Seasol+Plus is an easy “all in one” product that is used where soil conditioning properties and/or a little nitrogen is required. Seasol+Plus stimulates growth and is a soil conditioner designed to influence the crop from seedling stage onwards to maximise quality and yield. Seasol+Plus achieves superior results (when used as part of a program) compared to inorganic fertilisers used on their own. Seasol+Plus creates optimum conditions for microbial activity and soil fertility, enhances nutrient uptake and improves soil structure. CODE DESCRIPTION SIZE (LTRS) 20025 Seasol+Plus 5 20026 Seasol+Plus 20 20027 Seasol+Plus 200 20028 Seasol+Plus 1000 POWERFEED POWER-FISH 8 PowerFeed is an organically based fish fertiliser, fortified with essential nutrients and humic acids, processed to provide immediate benefits to both plants and the soil. The fish in PowerFeed is a rich source of amino acids, proteins, beneficial bacteria, trace elements and vitamins. To boost the nutrient levels specially processed fish is fortified with extra nitrogen, potassium and a smaller amount of phosphorus. Naturally occurring humates (humic acids) the “active” part of humus, provide the “liquid compost” in a highly concentrated form. This humic acid is extracted from ancient deposits of decomposed plant life and other natural sources unique to Australia which adds incredibly dynamic benefits to plants and soils. CODE DESCRIPTION SIZE (LTRS) 50605 Powerfeed 5 50606 Powerfeed 20 50607 Powerfeed 200 50608 Powerfeed 1000 CODE DESCRIPTION 50506 Power-Fish 50507 Power-Fish 50508 Power-Fish SIZE (LTRS) 20 200 1000 Power-fish is a 100% organic fish fertiliser providing a rich source of macro nutrients, micro nutrients, trace elements, amino acids, proteins and vitamins to plants. It also contains nutrients that feed the beneficial bacteria and fungi which excrete enzymes, ensuring sustainable healthy soil. The beneficial bacteria increase the richness of the soil, constructing bridges between plant root and soil to achieve effective nutrient uptake. With regular applications soil structure improves, plants become healthier, pest control is minimised, yield is increased and damage caused by overdoses of chemical fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides is reduced. Furthermore, the damage caused to waterways and aquatic life in rivers is reduced, less run-off of chemicals and chemical fertilisers improves ground water quality. LIQUID ORGANIC HUMATE Liquid Organic Humate, at 26%, solids is manufactured at the highest concentration of all liquid humic products in Australia. 100% organic, this unique product provides a breakthrough in the methods and application of humates and when applied has outstanding effects on the soil. Liquid Organic Humate increases the friability of clay soils, reduces leaching in sand soils, increases the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the soil’s water holding capacity. Organic carbons and mineral substances are also provided, while beneficial microbial activity is activated, and the soil is stabilised against acidity from high fertiliser application rates. CODE DESCRIPTION SIZE (LTRS) 26306 Liquid Organic Humate 20 26307 Liquid Organic Humate 200 26308 Liquid Organic Humate 1000 WWW.JFHHORTICULTURAL.COM GROWING MEDIUM & FERTILISERS
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