VISQUEEN POLYTHENE COVERS COVERS LUMISOL FILMS After ten years of development and product testing bpi. Visqueen have introduced a new generation of horticultural film technology; Lumisol Clear and Lumisol Diffused. Visqueen have worked alongside the world’s foremost experts in understanding how global economically important crops, insect pests, disease pathagons and chemical pesticides respond to ultraviolet (UV) light, and in doing so have developed the Lumisol film range that helps growers create an optimum growing environment by managing light transmission, diffusion and temperature. Of the many benefits Lumisol delivers, some of these include: Improved Control of Economically Important Pests & Diseases: The control of economically important insect pests and diseases has traditionally been accomplished by the use of chemical pesticides or biocontrol methods. However, Visqueen have been working hard with Lancaster University to offer a third way and utilise light as a means of helping growers to better manage any pest problems that may arise. Visqueen’s joint research has helped them better understand the role of certain types of light in making the world’s major protected crops ‘hardier’ and therefore more resistant to both insect attack and disease infection. Therefore when designing Lumisol’s light transmission properties Visqueen ensured that those precise, beneficial wavelengths of light are transmitted into the greenhouse. Temperature Control: Lumisol is manufactured in both Clear and Diffused formats. In addition to its ability to actively manage UV light, this new generation film range also encompasses beneficial temperature control attributes. In particular, Lumisol Diffused was developed using a formulation based on the original Luminance THB product which has a well deserved reputation for being the most effective diffusing film on the market with both day and night temperature control built in. Anti-Fog Properties: Lumisol offers built-in anti-condensation properties which help reduce the risk of fungal diseases such as downy mildew and botrytis cinerara. Thanks to its unique blend, Lumisol’s anti-fog characteristics help to control the condensation of water on the film surface. Providing the film is installed correctly, water will condense uniformly across it rather than as droplets. The risk of water falling on to the crop below is therefore reduced which in turn prevents the loss of light caused by droplets. 67 • Thickness: 720g [180mu] • Light Transmission: 90% • Diffusion: 35% CODE LSLCAF7.3/500UK LSLCAF9.2/600UK LSLCAF11.1/600UK LSLCAF14/300UK TYPE Lumisol Clear Lumisol Clear Lumisol Clear Lumisol Clear • Thermicity: 80% • Manufacturer’s Warranty: 5 Years LUMISOL CLEAR AF WIDTH MU UV 7.3m 9.2m 11.1m 14m 180 180 180 180 Low Low Low Low LUMISOL DIFFUSED AF • Thickness: 720g [180mu] • Light Transmission: 88% • Diffusion: 90% • Thermicity: 80% • Manufacturer’s Warranty: 5 Years CODE TYPE LSLDAF7.3/450UK LSLDAF9.2/540UK LSLDAF11.1/540UK LSLDAF14/270UK Lumisol Diffused Lumisol Diffused Lumisol Diffused Lumisol Diffused WIDTH MU UV 7.3m 9.2m 11.1m 14m 180 180 180 180 Low Low Low Low CALL 01270 212 726 POLYHOUSES, COVERS & SPARES
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