CHEMICALS, SPRAYERS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING CHEMICALS AND SPRAYERS INSECTICIDES FUNGICIDES CODE CA06 DESCRIPTION SIZE Aphox 1Kg CCH200 Chess CD02 CD01 CG09 28 CM5 CT08 Decis Protech Dynamec Gazelle CGM52 MET 52 Majestik CS100 Toppel Sluggo 200g 1Ltr 250ml 500g 1Kg 5Ltr 5Ltr 15kg USAGE Aphicide safe to bees Outdoor aphicide not safe for bees Aphids and Caterpillars Spider mites and thrips not safe for bees Whitefly in ornamentals not when bees are feeding For use in protected crops Aphids and thrips in ornamentals Caterpillars and whitefly Easy to use pellets for the control of slugs and snails CODE CA03 CA02 CB13 CB07 CP05 CN03 CR01 DESCRIPTION SIZE Fenomenal Amistar Basilex Bravo 1Kg 5Ltr 1Kg Proplant Nimrod Rovral WG 10Ltr 1Ltr 1Ltr 1Kg Phytophthora in protected pot plants Broad spectrum fungicide Soil born diseases Broad spectrum fungicide Broad spectrum fungicide Powdery mildew Broad spectrum fungicide USAGE COOPER PEGLER KNAPSACK SPRAYERS The most comfortable, safe and capable piston pump knapsack sprayer. The non-corrosive polypropylene tank, with no openings below the liquid level, substantially reduces any chance of user contamination. The sprayer can be quickly dismantled for cleaning and maintenance with the use of tools. • Transparent, lightweight 15L tank contoured to your back • Left – or right – hand operation • Lance holder for tidy storage • Exceptionally strong lance and trigger made from composite material for extended life CODE SIZE CPBP15 15Ltr • Piston pump: wide pressure range/very easy to clean and service • Easily adjustable shoulder harness with snap buckled belt to ensure balanced support/carry grips for easy handling CODE SIZE CPBC20 20Ltr WWW.JFHHORTICULTURAL.COM CHEMICALS, SPRAYERS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING
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