GROWING MEDIUM & FERTILISERS JIFFY POTS The Jiffy peat pot appeared on the horticultural scene in the 1950´s making it the first earth friendly certified home compostable container. Available in many different versions and sizes, a Jiffypot can potentially offer a ‘bio’ solution for almost every job. Today’s Jiffypots are well suited to work in many of the automation solutions found at modern nurseries. Jiffy pots, even though it has 60 years of offering an environmental friendly alternative to plastic pots under its belt, still is very relevant in today’s market looking for bio solutions. • Environmentally friendly alternative to plastic pot • Suited for automation • Improved root system, healthier crop • 100% biodegradable • Certified Home compostable (Vincotte) CODE DESCRIPTION 300 117 02 4.5cm round, afterpressed 306 119 02 5.5cm round, afterpressed, with slits 306 122 92 6cm round, afterpressed, with slits 306 130 00 8 x 8cm round, afterpressed 300 130 90 8.5 x 8cm round 300 130 92 8.5 x 8cm round, with slits 308 130 90 8.5 x 8cm round, Peat free (Coir) 300 335 00 10 x 8cm round 700 002 93 10 x 9cm round, slits 300 340 90 11 x 10cm round 700 000 13 13 x 10cm round, slits 700 004 79 15cm x 13cm round 700 004 61 9 x 9 x 10cm square, with slits 24 JIFFY 7 PELLET PACK The Jiffy-7 pellet is a unique concept packing amazing cost saving advantages for the grower on the lookout to minimize input costs. Jiffy-7, media and container in one, comes compressed, saving on freight and logistics. Jiffy-7 is available in many sizes and tray configurations and suited to be used in fully automated sticking lines. When utilizing a Jiffy pellet loader, bulk Jiffy pellets can be loaded in your own preferred tray at the nursery, paving the way for additional cost savings. Jiffy-7 is the perfect solution for an array of crops. • Labor saving ‘container and media in one’ • No transplant shock • Cost efficient • Available in many sizes and tray configurations • ‘Open wall’ concept promotes healthy root development CODE DESCRIPTION 312 104 22 24mm in 104 cell tray 312 144 22 24mm in 144 cell tray 312 060 11 33mm in 60 cell tray 312 084 10 33mm in 84 cell tray 312 104 15 33mm in 104 cell tray BOX QTY 2600 3600 1800 2520 3120 PALLET QTY 83200 115200 57600 80640 99840 BOX QTY PALLET QTY 3120 3400 3000 308 122 90 6cm round, afterpressed, Peat free (Coir) 3000 300 425 02 7 x 8cm round, with slits 2000 1680 1400 1400 1100 1000 1100 825 576 198 800 62400 40800 36000 36000 24000 20160 16800 16800 13200 12000 13200 9900 6912 2376 6300 JIFFY PELLETS • No equipment expenses • Quality Jiffy/Tref substrate • Pre-filled trays made to order • Regional distribution • Reduce shrink and lower input costs • Customized plug and tray sizes CODE DESCRIPTION 700 000 74 18mm Jiffy-7, 42mm high 311 221 00 24mm Jiffy-7, 43mm high 700 001 65 25mm Jiffy-7, 35mm high 311 301 05 33mm Jiffy-7, 43mm high 321 701 38 41mm Jiffy-7, 42mm high 321 701 42 44mm Jiffy-7, 42mm high BOX QTY 5000 2800 3312 2000 1000 1000 PALLET QTY 400000 336000 198720 144000 120000 80000 WWW.JFHHORTICULTURAL.COM GROWING MEDIUM & FERTILISERS
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