GROWING MEDIUM & FERTILISERS OMEX UPTAKE ENHANCER SW7 A silicone based wetter for enhanced uptake of nutrients and spreading agent. Use SW7 to improve uptake of foliar nutrients applied to the leaves and supplies a source of silicone. Crops: All horticultural crops especially fruit, salads and ornamentals. Rate of use: 0.10-0.25% in a minimum of 200 l/ha. SW7 can be mixed with a wide range of foliar nutrients. Always consult the appropriate nutrient product guide before use. It is suitable for dilution with both hard and soft water. Add the required quantity of SW7 to the spray tank and agitate thoroughly. Crops: All ornamental crops, soft fruit and cut flowers. CODE SIZE (LTRS) SW7 1 Rate of use: 3mls per litre of water as a foliar spray. 3 l/ha applied in a minimum of 200 l/ha of water. CODE GC5 SIZE (LTRS) 5 HEALTH PROMOTER GREENCROSS Potassium Phosphite and Trace elements. Why use Dynamo? Dynamo contains Phosphorous, Potassium and Trace elements. It has been shown to increase general plant growth and is also good for plant health. • Produces better foliage colour • Improved flowering • Improved stress relief • Helps with plant health DP 98 FOLIAR SUPREME 22 A biologically active biostimulant, based on phosphite (PO3) formulated with nitrogen and potassium. It is used on a wide range of horticultural crops to stimulate root growth, improve establishment and improve the uptake and systemic movement of nutrient cations within the plant. CODE SIZE (LTRS) DP98 10 A highly concentrated suspension containing phosphate, potassium and elemental sulphur. It is used to stimulate plant health and vigour to help maintain produce quality. CODE SIZE (LTRS) FS10 10 KELPAK An organic bio-stimulant containing concentrated extract of the kelp species Ecklonia maxima. It is used on all horticultural crops to enhance root growth which improves establishment leading to higher yield and better quality. Kelpak helps to increase plant tolerance to abiotic stress and improves pollen germination, pollen tube growth, fertilisation and fruit set. CODE SIZE KEL5 5Ltr, 25Ltr WWW.JFHHORTICULTURAL.COM GROWING MEDIUM & FERTILISERS
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