“ ...open it! ” Stevie Nicks, a Rock legend, says, “Don’t be a lady…be a legend.” And in my eyes, what my wife did was legendary. She knew that on my path to change a career-threatening behavior, what I did not realize was that I needed not only her help… but even more than I realized. I lucked on in this story, and my lucky charm is called “Lois.” The point is even when we need help sometimes, we are too proud or afraid to ask, neglect to ask, hesitate to take it, and sometimes go it alone. Unfortunately, this is a recipe fraught with seeds of self-inflicted disaster. As a successful and self-aware leader, I realized to achieve success, one must actively and consciously seek others who can help you. And if you are lucky, others will help you without your knowledge, which is called “favor,” and that, my friends, is something worth more than its weight in gold. My mother would often pray that we would have favor from God and men, and I see why, because it is this type of favor - big or small, that changes lives, drives transformation, and prevents ourselves from self-inflicted pain and injury. Lois, the legend, may you continue to help those in need, and may you have favor from God and man! #seekouthelp & #bethankfulforit
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