• Challenge negative thoughts: Practice identifying and challenging negative self-talk. Replace selfdefeating thoughts with positive and realistic affirmations. Surround yourself with supportive people who can help you reframe your perceptions. • Embrace failure as a learning opportunity: Understand that failure is a natural part of growth and development. Instead of fearing failure, view it as an opportunity for learning and improvement. Embrace a growth mindset that allows you to see setbacks as steppingstones toward success. • Seek support and share your experiences: Talk openly about your feelings of self-doubt with trusted friends, family, or mentors. You'll likely find that many people have experienced similar feelings at some point in their lives. Sharing your experiences can provide comfort and perspective. • Celebrate and internalize positive feedback: Accept praise and compliments graciously. Instead of dismissing positive feedback, internalize it and let it reinforce your self-belief. Keep a record of positive feedback or achievements to refer to when self-doubt arises.. Remember, Impostor Syndrome does not define you or your capabilities. It's a common experience that many successful individuals have faced. By challenging negative thoughts, embracing your achievements, and seeking support, you can gradually overcome Impostor Syndrome and embrace your true potential. You deserve the success you have achieved, and it's time to celebrate it with confidence. References Clance, P. R., & Imes, S. A. (1978). The imposter phenomenon in high achieving women: Dynamics and therapeutic intervention. Psychotherapy: Theory, research & practice, 15(3), 241. IMPOSTOR SYNDROME

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