cancerous and she gave it a name, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I was battling to stay present because what the Lord had spoken to me in our alone time was now making sense. I recognized there was something foreign to my Body, went to the Dr to identify the foreign thing (invasive ductal carcinoma) and now the next step is to eradicate it! I refused to fall apart because I chose to stand in the confidence of what God had spoken to me. He can do anything but fail! We planned a time to tell our children together. My husband didn’t say much while we were receiving the results, but what He said to me was so powerful. He said, “Jesus is name above all names and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma is just another name!” It is by the stripes of Jesus Christ that YOU ARE Healed! Sickness and Disease is not your Portion! Our God desires that you would prosper in your health just as your soul prospers. This is yet another opportunity to glorify God and show the world who God is for us, in us, and through us! WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS! We went through this battle in faith! I went through seven months of chemo and radiation therapy. We never lost anything, nor were we without food while I was not working. God truly sustained us proving that if we remain in Him, His promises are yes and amen! I am currently six years cancer free and counting. During this time, we learned how to stand in faith while walking through the fire. We learned to not allow the Word of the Lord to depart from our mouths. We came to recognize the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who are willing to pray for you and not prey on you. God’s Word is true! Lastly, we recognized that our trials are meant to build others in the faith. Just like the thief on the cross, his heart and faith was changed by the way Jesus endured His cross. We have that same power to impact and affect others as we have faith in the fire. This was only a small part of our testimony of the power of God, and I pray it encourages someone who is reading it today. Know that you too are an overcomer and more than a conqueror. Regardless of what you may face, remember that: ✚ The Lord will never leave us - Joshua 1:9 ✚ There is purpose in your pain - John 12:27 ✚ God has the final say! - Proverbs 16:1 (CEV) ✚ God does not give us the spirit of fear - 2 Timothy 1:7 ✚ Fear - False Evidence Appearing Real (Fear is a liar) ✚ Be the light for others even in your darkest hour. - Luke 23:34 ✚ Watch your thoughts because they lead your emotions - Philippians 4:6-9 21

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