Mental Health: Reverend Roderick Bradley, Founder, Urban Experience Magazine National Bullying Prevention Month Dr. Clair Rudison Jr. Management Consultant. It’s October and this means it’s National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying happens in schools, in colleges and even professional workplaces, which have antibullying policies. For this article, instead of giving you a lot of statistics which are important, I want to do something more in depth to shine the spotlight on Bullying. I want the reader to not only read but participate. I want you to be truly honest with yourself. Are you ready? Here we go. 1. Are you a Bully or ever been a Bully? 2. Are you currently being Bullied? If so, what are you doing to stop it? 3. Are you a By-Stander? (You see the bullying happening, but you do nothing). 4. Are you a Bully Blocker? (A person who is willing to stand up against the bullying or report the bullying). Let’s explore together! 1.If you are a bully, then I challenge you to ask yourself “why am I a bully”? Something to ask yourself-Do I feel better about myself when I bully others? Do I feel more powerful and in control? Now ask yourself the deeper question “What are you going to do to help yourself stop being a bully? 2. If you are being bullied/ or been bullied, ask yourself how your life is impacted. Do you have someone you can talk to about being bullied? What have you done to end bullying? Have you informed a parent, a teacher, a coworker,

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