However, the other part of the work of Courageous Fire, LLC1 unique to you? How can you monetize those? is to make sure the Black sisters impacted by DV know how to take their power back, or become empowered for the first time. One of the ways we do that is through the 2nd of our twofold philosophy: Abuse Reparations. Here’s the text taken straight from our website: “We teach survivors how to extract currency following an abusive situation; because the most effective revenge is to make abuse pay you back - reparations, Beautiful.”2 How does abuse pay YOU? As a survivor, I sat down with myself. I asked myself how I got here and how to avoid it in the future. Through research, reflection, and incredible therapists, I was able to formulate a process for finding predispositions to predatory situations and am removing those vulnerabilities, setting appropriate boundaries, and removing toxicity from my sphere entirely. Okay, that was great to begin my journey to healing, but a sistah wanted to know - WHERE’S THE MONEY? This marriage had stolen nearly 15 years of my life and I wanted to know how it could pay dividends back into my life. Into my daughters’ lives. Yass… Abuse Definition - cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal Reparations Definition - the compensation for war damage paid by a defeated state. I LOVE the definition for reparations! I defeated abuse, it didn’t defeat me, and now it needed to pay me for war damage!! This is a concept we teach survivors as they are gaining empowerment and stability. What did you learn or master during or after the abuse that allowed you to use parts of you that are 1. To interact in our Facebook live #OurTalks special edition for DVAM click here: Event 2. Check our brand new blog: Blog Link 3. In a relationship? Make sure it’s healthy: Healthy Relationship Wheel Illustration. Or go to, or Phone: 800-799-7233 4. In an abusive relationship? Talk to The Hotline. org to commence safety planning 5. Survivor and stable in your new life? Sign up for Empowerment through the Arts™; avoid future DV cycles: Survivor Support 6. Community member want to learn what you can do? Go to: Awareness Talks & Community Safe Spaces 7. Want to financially support the work? Donate Here Blessings. #Permission By Courageous Fire DV Advocate & Founder of Courageous Fire, LLC Endnotes 1. Courageous Fire, LLC website address: cfirellc. com 2. Taken from Philosophy section on on the Specialty page 19 Depending on when this article runs, we will be having (or will have already had) the #OurTalks show interviewing 3 Black professional women, 2 entrepreneurs, 1 therapist, who are survivors of DV. They are going to be sharing a small portion of their story and a big portion of how they found their reparations blueprint. In this DVAM, I definitely want to shed light on what domestic violence is, but I want to shed the most light this time on overcoming. Conquering. Gettin’ your getback, Sis. Reparations.
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