The History of US. You took our history from us then took our history from us and wrote a book about the history of us and it’s a best seller and our percentage of the book deal about the history of us is 0 our credit for the book about the history of us even less but you expect the rats nest of festering distress about the history of us might just go away even though I can see your intentions are not for my good even with my eyes closed. Will Brown should have a mausoleum not a head stone purchased by a complete stranger 70+ years after his death because in every book written about the atrocity committed against black people in this nation you used his picture like a post card from hell to sell every copy on every shelf. You owe so many, oh so much, oh you don’t think so, oh I can prove it. My aunt Maimie Till-Mobley, how big was her check cause in total in consideration and brazen disrespect you wrote about her son Emmit she had a bank account but none of those royalty checks got deposited in it. How many black children have gone to college on the money made by the books sold about the history of us and a big shout out to all your grandmothers and grandfather’s fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles and cousins who were forever immortalized in ever HISTORICAL murder scene and mob riot photos about the history of us and thank you to all of the authors who wrote about the history of us and put their children through college with the proceeds, Oops! I mean blood money from every book sale. It’s fact not fiction and every depiction of black people in narrowly narrated narratives told printed and sold you owe us. We have been the commodity of your market place since dubbed by you a subhuman race in your race to increase evil gain. You want it well done and spoon fed but I’m a give it to you raw so that you clamber the milk from MY mammy, because you stole that too. You tell us forget the past but make History (HIS STORY) a REQUIREMENT in school for me to pass but you tell me my plight is the past and I need to get pass it and let it go. Are we living in a Disney World or something cause all I keep hearing in my ear is let it go, let it gooooo! You speak with a forked tongue, you have gone low on a forked road and its plain to see you are like a well paid referee cause you won’t call it foul. The URBAN EXPERIENCE | 2020 19

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