“ WHILE WE WAIT TO BREATHE AGAIN ” Part 2: INHALE Sheila turned to see a sullen Miles with two lattes and her favorite snack in his hand. She attempted to get up and run over to him, but he shook his head and made his way over to her instead.“I’m sorry,” he offered with his eyes piercing a hole in the floor. She cupped his chin and lifted it so his eyes would have to meet hers. “No, I’m sorry for assuming you’d be like everyone else. I meant it when I said I don’t want anyone to be like my parents, but it wasn’t right for me to not give you that choice.”“Baby, can you just explain to me what we’ll have in store coming up? I’m here for the long haul, I just want to help out any way I can and know that you’ll get through this.” He squeezed her hand while sliding closer to her in the small bed. We. The affirmation instantly made her turn warm. The dime-sized dimples she possessed burned a hole in her cheeks as she smiled at him with love and admiration. “Well, once they finish running scans, we’ll see if I’m in the clear or if I need to get back on chemo and bed rest so they can continue monitoring. It’s not too bad; it’s just the last flare-up I had was about a year before I met you, it knocked me on my ass. It lasted for over five months. Couldn’t breathe, couldn’t keep anything down, my lips were ugly and purple,” she laughed faintly. “It was… terrible for lack of a better word. But I hadn’t been sick before that since I was seventeen. So, you see, it comes and goes. I’m sure this time will be no different.” She gave him a kiss and pushed the pager.Dr. Stevens came in shortly, along with two other nurses. The two nurses attended to Sheila taking her blood pressure while Dr. Stevens spoke to Miles.
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