I am Liberian and there LET’S STOP HIV TOGETHER are a lot of stereotypes about Africans in general that I can use my voice to dissolve. I have a diverse group of friends, and although we understand each other, and share our differences, it’s not enough. We need more culturally specific events not only in my community, but also outside of my community, so that the beautiful things about my people can be shared and seen. The events in 2020 have helped me find my voice. I am no longer scared. I know that I can advocate for myself and others like me, by using my voice, connections, and experiences to educate people. I can make them aware and teach them things about my culture that are positive and true. Picture a world without HIV stigma. Wecan allstop HIVstigma by speaking up againststigmatizing words or actions. WHEN WE SPEAK UP AGAINST HIV STIGMA, WE CAN STOP HIV TOGETHER. StopHIVIowa.org 17
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