[ LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF IOWA News Release; immediate release; time-sensitive LWVIA and co-sponsors pe11on requests amendments to Iowa’s new vo1ng laws GRINNELL- The League of Women Voters of Iowa and nine Iowa-based co-sponsors will present pe??ons to the leadership of the 89th General Assembly at Iowa’s Capitol. The pe??ons, which contain signatures of Iowa voters, seek legislators to repeal sec?ons SF413 and SF568 from the newly-enacted vo?ng laws. Iowa’s new voter laws makes vo?ng harder, disqualifies voters easier, shortens the vo?ng ?me by 31%, makes elec?ons more difficult to administer and invites poli?cal party interference in elec?ons. Registered voters can sign the pe??on online at: hUps:// www.LWVIA.org/an?-voter-laws. Terese Grant, President, LWVIA, believes Iowa’s new vo?ng law disenfranchises voters and is an aUempt to disqualify voters - restric?ng suffrage - which is a Cons?tu?onal right to vote. “Defending democracy has been our moUo since our founding in 1920 and we have always supported an open and transparent government, including the right to vote,” said Grant. She con?nued, “Democracy works best when more people – not less – are involved. The pe??on drive to repeal sec?ons of SF413 and SF568 is one way in which Iowans can get involved and let their duly elected legislators know their opposi?on to Iowa’s newly imposed an?-voter law.” LWVIA’s co-sponsors are Common Good Iowa; Des Moines Chapter, The Links, Incorporated; Episcopal Diocese of Iowa; Iowa Chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; Iowa Coali?on Against Sexual Assault; Iowa Federa?on of Labor, AFL-CIO; Iowa Shares; Interfaith Alliance of Iowa; Progressive Ac?on for the Common Good, Quad Ci?es; and Sierra Club Iowa Chapter. -30CONTACT: Terese Grant, President, League of Women Voters of Iowa; 641-990-4684; TAG@lwvia@gmail.com 39
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