Courageous TR UTHS ADORA’S STORY Adora’s1 very soul was touched by those words. She was so in love with the Creator of the Universe. God, her best friend, the being she felt most connected to, the one she felt the most reasons for which to be loyal. At 30 years of age, Adora2 had learned to be patient. She hadn’t rushed to go to college right after high school; she felt led to wait and become more in touch with what her gifts were and let them lead her to the right profession: teaching. She chuckled to herself when she thought of the first profession everyone was pushing her to go for. Veterinarian? It was totally mismatched with that part of her that wanted to see the information she had to share be absorbed by high school students full of promise and fear for their futures. She had been teaching since shortly after her college graduation 4 years ago, and was still full of giddiness every morning to get to the building and dig in. She had waited to sell her first modest home and the waiting had paid off. She caught the real estate explosion that occurred during the pandemic, tripled her initial investment, and had just purchased her second home with funds to spare for reinvestment!3 Yep, she was 30. She did want to have a life partner. Like everything else in her life though, she was patiently waiting for the “right one”. And while faithfully fulfilling her roles at school and church, she met him. Joseph. He was tall with a dignified walk, clean cut, eyes that looked directly at you while interacting, and an easy manner. His voice was just deep enough, which she discovered the first time he spoke to her. It was at her church; he was a visitor. She noticed him right away. He was just one of those people who stood out, you know? She was doing one of her favorite things, ushering, and he asked her for a seat down front “if one is available”. She couldn’t help noticing how comfortable he was going to the front of a new church. “That’s nice to see,” she thought to herself. “a man who’s not too cool to get close.” She seated him and went back to her ministry. 17

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