can remember at a young age telling my parents how badly I wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle. One day they surprised me with a big wheel tricycle. I was so excited! It was red and yellow in color. Anytime my father would be outdoors doing yardwork, I would want to be outside with him riding my tricycle taking my baby doll along with me on my lap. I would be spinning the foot pedals so fast that my foot would slip. One day I quickly made a sharp turn around a corner and fell into a bush. At that point, the big wheel cracked to where I no longer could ride it again and scrapped both my knees. We do not realize the valuable lessons until we begin to mature and listen to those who were among us and wise. Luke 3:41-52 This scripture explains how every year Jesus and his parents would travel to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover. Jesus was twelve years old at the time. When his parents returned home they lost sight of Jesus and began searching for him anxiously. By the time Jesus parents found him it was a few days later. His mother asked him why would you treat us like this? Jesus answered; didn’t you know I had to be in my father’s house? His mother treasured this in her heart and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature. By Author Donnetta Austin Amazon “Never Retire God” Email I 15
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