Dear Editor, The fact that there are now 8 individuals running for a singular city council seat in District 2 should clearly speak volumes to Omaha Metro that the City of North Omaha does not see the situation as it has been portrayed, nor does it want to continue the same vein that it has gone in over the last 50 years. For five decades North Omaha has been in a time out. Legislative billing, city ordinances, lack of funding, historical written, oral, and pictorial evidence quantifies the intentional neglect, deprivation, and exclusion of North Omaha and the citizens of district 2. Five decades with TIF funding being awarded to our city, grants, bonds and now with the onset of a Worldwide Pandemic the Cares Act, yet North Omaha still does not seem to be significant enough to draw the full attention of Omaha Metro. It was the grace of God and the direct consorted efforts of the grassroots organizations, individuals, non- profits, and churches in North Omaha that has kept North Omaha alive not only in this pandemic, but for the last 50 yrs. To the astonishment of Omaha Metro, we have not been utterly broken from this tangled, abusive relationship we have been cast in with our sister city. There have been no major improvements to its infrastructure (e.g., buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. However, viewed as hovel it still stands. Full of vibrant, beautiful, intellectual, artistic, athletic, loving, inventive, industrious, progressive, entrepreneurial, compassionate people. A complete opposite of the polarized image of thugs, gangbanging, multiple babies having, by multiple baby’s daddy’s, government recipient, miscreants you see in our local media sources. However, change no matter how hard, no matter how long, no matter how wanted by some or rebuffed by others must come, for there is an Unapologetically yours. A little boy who is now a man, from NORTH OMAHA. The URBAN EXPERIENCE | 2021 17 appointed time and season for everything under the sun thus saith The Lord and regardless of your belief, disbelief, faith, or lack thereof winter, spring, summer, and fall are all the undisputable evidence Gods word is true. The season of change must come, and that season is NOW! We are not asking for change, change is coming. The lack of TRUE diversity and inclusion in this city is now crippling this city. The inclusion of North Omaha and its culture, talent and people are now evident in the C suites and the rumbling of chamber conversations. The lack of inclusion, promotion and retention of Black people is now standing out like a sore thumb. If this evidence did not exist, we would not be fighting again in legislation for the reinstitution of Affirmative Action. I applaud those who seek to change this narrative and do better, however our sister city Omaha Metro need to do better. The blatantly evident gentrification and removal of the people, history, and culture in North Omaha must cease. The shifting of poverty must cease. The overwhelmingly lopsided incarceration of men, women and children in this district must cease. The trauma that breaks the family structure and creates a self-destructive behavior must cease. The idea it is okay to overfund the Humane society, while willfully underfunding a HUMAN society must cease. District 2 regardless of who does not want to believe it is the Blueprint.
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