3 Chairman of IiMER 6 Progress in ME 12 NICE Review Comments 18 Centre Research Blog 20 Thinking the Future 21 Quadram Institute Bioscience News 22 UK Biobank: An Open Access Resource 29 Farewell to a Friend – Anne Örtegren 36 A Harsh Debate about ME in Norway 41 Letter from America 43 IiMER’s Own Film Star 45 Conference Abstracts All content in the Journal of IiMER is copyright to Invest in ME Research and/or the authors. Permission is required and requested from Invest in ME Research before republishing from this Journal. DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this Journal by contributors and others do not necessarily represent those of Invest in ME Research. No medical recommendations are given or implied. Patients with any illness are recommended to consult their personal physician at all times. Invest in ME research (Charity Nr. 1153730) Welcome to IIMEC13 A Foundation of International Collaboration in Biomedical Research From the Chairman of Invest in ME Research Invest in ME Research is an independent UK charity facilitating and funding a strategy of biomedical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME or ME/CFS) and promoting better education about ME. The charity was built on the firm belief that biomedical research into ME was crucial in order to make progress in treating this disease. The education of healthcare staff, the media, government departments, patient groups and patients was also to be a priority - but something that would develop from the research being undertaken. Although forcing research into ME into the mainstream of academic and clinical consideration has taken too long we do sometimes wonder where we would be if we had not started our conferences and, later, our research Colloquiums. The international conferences were organised from the beginning to provide a platform for research and a means of facilitating education about ME. The research Colloquiums now attract researchers from around the world to a meeting where they are free to discuss, share and collaborate. Collaboration and working together have been themes for our Colloquiums - with real international cooperation forming that can only lead to a better future for patients than would otherwise be the case. www.investinme.org Page 3 of 56
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