Journal of IiMER toward the production of the book from the Irish ME Trust. We also had donations from some individuals for which we were extremely grateful. The book was published earlier this year and is available via Amazon. Few diseases can have been so maligned by false information, so manipulated by an insidious establishment-controlled ideology, or so poorly dealt with by those holding the purse strings for research into the disease, than Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). This book examines a scandal in our generation - a scandal still being played out by corrupt, apathetic, inept or ignorant attitudes in governments and Medical Research Councils and health services. We welcome all support for raising awareness of the book – a book able to reach more people in society in a way that should make them want to know more and question why a section of the population are being so abused by crass, self-serving and Please help in raising awareness of this book. Thank you for your support. Buy from Amazon www.investinme.org References: 1 IIMEC10 10th International ME Conference 2 Gibson Inquiry Report 2006 3 Gibson Inquiry Recommendations 4 Gibson Book - JustGiving Donations 5 Gibson Book - The BIG Give Project Page 22 of 82

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