Journal of IiME Volume 9 Issue 1 for understanding ME and Professor Jonas Bergquist has been studying the CSF of a Swedish ME/CFS patient cohort. This year’s conference sees the progression of the spectrum of research into ME which is now being realised and we expect this to continue. As per the title of our 2013 conference ME is now “mainstreamed” into scientific research – and we hope it stays there. We believe we are on the verge of significant breakthroughs once research such as the IiME-funded projects are underway. Preceding the IIMEC10 conference is our annual 2-day research colloquium (BRMEC5) with over 60 biomedical researchers from thirteen countries participating. In an atmosphere of collaboration we hope to make more progress which will lead to change for the benefit of people with ME and their families. BRMEC5 has taken a lot of effort to set up but we believe it is the way forward. Our aim over the last nine years has been to ensure that ME is researched properly in an international collaborative way. As we enter our tenth year as a charity we feel our strategy for research is succeeding. Our objective is not to exist as a charity for the sake of it – but to make real progress to understand and eventually overcome ME. With a little more support and some help our proposal for a centre of excellence can be realised. With colleagues and friends across the world, and dedicated and able researchers working with us to make progress, these agents for change are making a difference in how ME is researched, perceived and treated. We have felt a change is underway, despite resistance to progress from some quarters. Even the recent IOM report has finally conceded what patients have been fighting to make known for a generation – to governments, research councils, health services, the media and the public – Invest in ME (Charity Nr. 1114035) www.investinme.org Page 6 of 57 Our Sponsors Invest in ME would like to thank those organisations who have sponsored part of the IIMEC10 conference. We would like to thank Vitae Natural Nutrition who have become a sponsor of the May 2015 “It is clear from the evidence compiled by the committee that ME/CFS is a serious, chronic, complex, multisystem disease that frequently and dramatically limits the activities of affected patients.” For Invest in ME education and research are the key to progress, and hence change. The IiME conferences have formed a crucial part of this education and our research colloquia form a crucial and productive part of the research. We may not have the most funding or resources – but we feel we are currently funding and facilitating some of the best research possible and have ideas and plans that can change things forever. Welcome to IIMEC10.

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