Journal of IiME Volume 3 Issue 1 Comment today immediately recognise and which could have come directly from this year’s Lost Voices book. How does it feel when a local health authority fails to provide a biomedical clinical lead for severe ME patients even though it is possible? We have the views of one severely ill patient on this situation. The story of the Krisner family of Norway was highlighted on our 2006 conference DVD – a story of devastating consequences for a family where three siblings have become ill with severe ME. Yet there is hope. After continuing treatment two of the children are making amazing progress and the other has made some improvement. Kjersti and Harald Krisner provide an article showing this progress – a story of great progress and hope. The new Enterovirus Foundation has been created and we welcome members of the EVF, Professor Steven Tracy and Nora Chapman, who have provided an excellent article on Human Enteroviruses and Chronic Infectious Disease. Dr John Chia, who is speaking at our conference, is part of the EVF. We have two papers from Professor Garth Nicolson et al – one showing the similarities between CFS (ME) and Autism Specturm Disorders and the other discussing weight issues with CFS (ME) and the use of an all natural oral supplement mixture. Epidemics are a less well publicised feature with ME. Professor Harald Nyland will be talking about this at the conference yet epidemics are not new. The Incline village episode in the eighties is responsible for some of the foremost ME researchers continuing their work. We have an old article on epidemics from Dr Gordon Parrish which we felt was worthy of being republished to put the work of today’s researchers into context. We also include conference abstracts. Invest in ME wish to thank those organisations Invest in ME (Charity Nr. 1114035) We would like to thank the Irish ME Trust and the Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation for their donations, support and friendly cooperation. and individuals who have donated or sponsored to enable us to bring about the 4th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference 2009. Thank you for your generosity. www.investinme.org . To those who attend the conference we hope you enjoy your day and learn a great deal. For those not able to come to the conference then we hope the Journal will provide something of use. The conference promises to reflect the real progress which is finally beginning to benefit people with ME despite being enacted on a background of terrible suffering and intransigence of those responsible for deciding healthcare policy. Enjoy the Journal, enjoy the conference. ME FACTS The US Centres for Disease Control (CDC) website confirms that: “The name ME was coined in the 1950s to clarify well-documented outbreaks of disease; ME is accompanied by neurological and muscular signs (sic) and has a case definition distinct from that of CFS(ME)”. (http://www.cdc.gov/cfs/cme/wb 1032/chapter1/overview.html ). Page 8/76

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