Journal of IiME Volume 2 Issue 2 Letter from America A A LLeett tteerr ttoo MMyy EEnnggll ii sshh FF rr iieennddss :: (( ccoonn tt ii nnuueedd )) 1) David Hume’s theorem was met by the sputum culture isolation of the “tuberculosis” bacterium, and then, the transference of this organism to produce tuberculosis in an experimental animal. 2) Likewise, typical bacterial lobar pneumonia was cured by administration of penicillin to the sick patient with pneumonia. The conclusions are: 1) the tubercle bacillus causes tuberculosis. 2) penicillin cures lobar pneumonia. All patients with any illness, including CFS, are saddened because they, the CFS patients, in particular, are not well. This “illness-caused depression” is not unique to CFS disease. Likewise, exercise intolerance is universal in all CFS patients. CFS patients have a genetic homogeneity (Jonathan Kerr’s work, our London conference 2008): an immunologic cacophony: abnormal tilt table tests (neurohumoral reflexes): increased RNase L lymphocyte activity: and many other abnormal biological findings consistent only with a non-psychologic cause. Sadness, depression, does not cause any of these physiologic abnormalities. There is no immunologic disarray, increased RNase L in blood or elsewhere, abnormal tilt table test or uniform genetic propensity in the array of psychiatric disease. However, the sore throat, lymph node enlargement and tenderness, and overwhelming fatigue of CFS fit many of the criteria of the illness “infectious mononucleosis” which is caused by a firstepisode experience with Epstein-Barr virus, usually in young persons. Another similar appearing mononucleosis-like illness is caused Invest in ME (Charity Nr. 1114035) by cytomegalovirus. Each of these viruses cause a similar clinical appearance. In May at your International Conference, I reviewed a published (now distant sentinel study (1997) of CFS patients with elevated serum IgG antibody titers) to cytomegalovirus infection whom I treated with intravenous ganciclovir (valcyte orally was not yet available). similar studies of CFS patients with similar elevated serum antibody to Epstein-Barr virus. I treated the Epstein-Barr virus CFS patients with valtrex and repeated the valtrex study with a blinded randomized placebo controlled trial. In these pilot studies, ganciclovir was strikingly effective in cytomegalovirus CFS patients, and valtrex was similarly effective in Epstein-Barr virus CFS patients. Earlier, I had published the hypothesis (1997) of specific Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus or Human Herpesvirus 6 etiology, in single or multiple infections for CFS. Montoya (Stanford University 2006) later also demonstrated that valcyte was beneficial to patients with Human Herpesvirus 6 CFS. In May of 2008, I presented at your ME International CFS symposium 124 CFS patients cared-for at my CFS treatment center, 2001 – 2007. I looked for elevated serum evidence of all three viruses, Epstein-Barr virus; cytomegalovirus and Human Herpesvirus 6 in every patient. All CFS patients met International Criteria for CFS diagnosis. No known cause for their CFS illnesses could be found by all conventionally accepted methods. Some of these CFS patients had Epstein-Barr virus, but no cytomegalovirus or Human Herpesvirus 6, and conversely, for other CFS patients with cytomegalovirus infection or human herpesvirus 6 infection. The majority (approximately) 2/3 had (continued on page14) Page 13/74 www.investinme.org I reviewed with you in London two

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