Journal of IiME Volume 2 Issue 1 www.investinme.org PROFILES of PRESENTERS at the IiME INTERNATIONAL ME/CFS CONFERENCE Dr Martin Lerner Dr Martin Lerner is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and is an Infectious Disease Specialist. He held a residency in Internal Medicine, at Harvard Medical Services. Boston City Hospital and Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, MO. Washington University School of Medicine, M.D. Two Years, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology Unit. Alumni Awardee, Washington University School of Medicine. Three years research fellow in infectious diseases at the Thorndike Memorial Laboratory, Boston City Hospital and Harvard Medical School under the direction of Dr. Maxwell Finland, (founder of subspecialty infectious diseases). Also awarded a 1-year fellowship in molecular biology under the direction of Dr. James Darnell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts. He was Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and Professor of Internal Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, 1963-1982. Chief of the Department of Medicine at Hutzel Hospital, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 1970–1982. He established a clinical virology laboratory and trained 33 physicians in the subspecialty of infectious diseases at Wayne State University, (1963-1982). He was elected member American Society for Clinical Investigation, American Association of Physicians. He is a member of the committee preparing the National Boards in Medical Examiners, US, and a member of the training grant committee, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH. Master of the American College of Physicians. He was Governor for Michigan American College of Physicians, 1991 – 1994. Dr. Lerner has published over 10 papers since 1993 on the role of subclinical myocarditis in a subset of CFS patients. He has also reported success with long courses of antiviral therapy in patients with chronic EBV and CMV infections. Dr. Lerner uses antibody tests for early antigen to CMV and EBV that are not available in most commercial laboratories; he believes that they are better for differentiating active from latent infections. Although these papers received very little attention in the past, there has been interest in the tie between viral myocarditis and CFS recently since a series of three papers from Germany have found HHV-6 and parvovirus B-19 to be the most common viruses found in biopsies of patients with viral myocarditis. Both viruses are also implicated in CFS/ME. Dr Lerner holds Five Patents for Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS. C Coonnffeerreennccee PPrreesseennttaatt iioonn A A TTwweennttyy YYeeaarr JJoouurrnneeyy ttoo UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg aanndd TT rreeaattmmeenntt ooff tthhee C Chhrroonniicc FFaatt iigguuee SSyynnddrroommee IInncclluuddiinngg AA LLoonnggii ttuuddiinnaall SSttuuddyy o off G Grroouuppss AA aanndd BB CCFFSS PPaatt iieenntt ss,, 22000000--22000066 The Energy Index point score (EI), (copyright, Lerner AM and Deeter RG, 1999), (0-10) is a simple reliable metric easily evaluating the functional capacity at each CFS patient-physician visit. A hanging sign in the examining room, with physician and patient together, is used. Validation of the EI was done using two methods: a) 20 CFS patients and 22 healthy adults, matched for sex, age, place and time; EI, CFS = 3.6; EI, healthy adults = 9.9, p=<0.0001, and b) 55 CFS patients evaluated at the same time by the EI and Fatigue Severity Score, correlation 0.67, p=0.0066. Improvement to disappearance of CFS symptoms correlate with an increasing EI. (Continued on page 14) Invest in ME (Charity Nr 1114035) Page 13

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