i M A G E S – N e w s l e t t e r o f t h e I L L I N O I S S I G N A S S O C I A T I O N P a g e | 11 NON-ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE—INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR - 1ST PLACE WINNER ! • VAN BRUGGEN SIGNS - MEYER EYE CARE Non illuminated projecting wall sign for eyecare office located in historic district. Overall size is 129”h x 48”w x 12”deep. Fabricated aluminum cabinet finished in satin acrylic polyurethane and decorated with high performance vinyls utilizing classic colors and fonts. Mounted to building with structural support/plates. 2nd Place Tie - Van Bruggen Signs Ted's Greenhouse 2nd Place Tie - Van Bruggen Signs The Hive 3rd Place - J & S Electric and Sign, Inc. Jennings Terrace
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