Have you heard the good news? We updated our website! Check it out today at: www.humanesocietyofthelakes.org. Fundraisers During the last few weeks HSL has been overwhelmed by the kindness shown by two different groups who have each held a fundraiser in our honor. The first fundraiser was Paws for a Cause and was hosted by Corwin Automotive Group. A special thank you goes to Mr. Tim Corwin & Corwin Automotive Group who, with their generous help, were able to raise $14,817.00 for HSL. The second fundraiser was Cookies for Canines & Cats which was hosted by Beth Pridday. Thank you so much for helping us raise another $1,550.00 for the shelter. These fundraiser donations will go so far and will help so many animals. The winner of the yard cart and goodies was Jim Buus and the cookies/cookie jar donors were: #1 Jar - Patty Mastel - white choc macadamia nut cookies #2 Jar - Donna Sauvageau - monster cookies #3 Jar - Robin Friendshuh - old fashioned molasses cookies #4 Jar - Beth Pridday - 4th of July shape frosted sugar cookies #5 Jar - Anne-Marye Hastad Hoban - her famous biscotti #6 Jar - Patty Mastel - peanut butter choc dipped cookies #7 Jar - Beth Pridday - oatmeal raisin cookies #8 Jar - Kara DeVries Schumann - chocolate chip cookies #9 Jar - Linda Pudwill - old fashioned iced oatmeal #10 Jar - Barb Zahasky- rosemary sea salt shortbread cookies #11 Jar - Terry Kalil - gingersnaps #12 Jar - Ice Cream Truck Package from the DL Ice Cream Truck Paws for a Cause June 12-14 ADVERTISE IN OUR NEWSLETTER! License #: 31973 Thank you for your conTinued supporT Through These uncerTain Times. iT’s exTremely helpful and appreciaTed by our siTes and chariTy - noT To menTion so imporTanT for Theirs and our business! - sTay happy, healThy and safe - We want ot thank these amazing establishments for allowing us to conduct Charitable Gambling Heisler’s Campground & Pub Voyager Lanes Learn more about our sites at hslgaming.org 7
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