The Neptune Power Federa�on - Can You Dig - Europe 2020 (EP) (Cruz Del Sur Music) Review by Steve Thomas-Green The Neptune Power Federa�on are an Australian female fronted band. And this EP is a stop-gap un�l they can make it over to Europe again… obviously, because Covid-19 has royally fucked up their plans to tour, like it has for so many bands. Before I get onto the EP, which is a cover of 2 Rainbow tracks and 2 from Queen, I’d also like to men�on their back catalogue, which I’m just discovering for the first �me… I have no idea how big the band are, beyond almost 4000 fans on Facebook… but hell, these guys (and lady) are one of my favourite discoveries for quite a while. So, onto the EP, which is also out on vinyl… The first couple of tracks are from the Dio era of Rainbow with Kill The King and the �tle track of Long Live Rock N Roll… now Ronnie James Dio is my favourite singer of all �me and Screaming Loz Sutch tackles these classics with ease… her voice fits both songs perfectly and the band are on a par with her… capturing the energy of the originals without devia�ng much from the original formula. The next covers are from Queen… so once again, full marks for taking on a legendary vocalist as there aren’t many that can hold their own with Messrs Dio and Mercury. Song wise, I’m not a huge fan of Son and Daughter, which is from Queen’s 1973 debut… I would have chosen something like, The March of the Black Queen… But there are no complaints about Tie Your Mother Down… which I never �re of hearing (also check out the Lemmy and Ted Nugent version). This has been my introduc�on to The Neptune Power Federa�on and if you love everything from Jefferson Airplane, 70’s Hard Rock, 80’s Metal to Stoner Rock and a good old bit of Satan worship… then check this band out. Seriously, seriously good shit…. h�ps://www.facebook.com/theneptunepowerfedera�on/ h�p://www.theneptunepowerfedera�on.com/

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