Bedsore - Hypnagogic Hallucina�ons (20 Buck Spin) Review by Steve Thomas-Green With a name like Bedsore, I was expec�ng some filthy form of Grind. But my ini�al thoughts were way off the mark. I guess this is Death Metal meets horror movie soundtrack. A mix of psychedelic keyboards, a la Goblin and classic Italian horror movies, and an unusual bedfellow in Death Metal. Before we get to the Death Metal, we work our way through a keyboard led intro and then melodic lead guitars, before the brain ra�ling drums kick in, as do Jacopo Gianmaria Pepe’s rasping vocals. But to be honest, I’m not sure if the styles all work, but the varying �me changes and differing styles make for a very unconven�onal album, so it’s a hard one to judge. Going back to the horror movie theory, the album does have a very theatrical feel to it. So at �mes it feels like a lone figure on stage, then all hell breaks loose and carnage ensues. There’s a lot of light and shade, ebbing and flowing etc… I guess Progressive is the get out of jail term to use. As far as the performance goes, this is top notch… especially the guitar work. There’s just a lot to get your head around, which makes for a slightly more difficult listen. I mean, s�cking a song called, Cauliflower Growth right next to Disembowelment Of The Souls (Tabanidae) and then Brains On The Tarmac, you can immediately tell this doesn’t follow any conven�onal rules. Cauliflower Growth is a perfect example of how this album “works”. The track, which features a guest performance by Giorgio Trombino (Assump�on / Haemophagus) begins as full on 90s Death Metal, then the intensity falls away for something altogether disharmonic, before dropping into minimalist tranquillity… you just cannot predict which direc�on the music will take. I can’t deny that it’s an album I’ve struggled with. But one hand I can say it’s hard going, but on the other, I have to admire Bedsore for taking on such a task, on this, their debut album. So a tough listen for some, very rewarding for others. h�ps://
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