The Psychedelic Furs - Made of Rain (Cooking Vinyl) Review by Steve Thomas-Green Wow, this is such a tough review to write. The first new album from The Psychedelic Furs since 1991. I fell in love with the band 40 years ago, on their debut album. I own the first 5 albums, but by the �me 1987’s Midnight to Midnight came out, my interest had waned. I’ve not even heard the two albums that came out a�er MtM. So, a lot of �me has passed since they last recorded an album, people and �mes change, as has technology. So I have gone into this albumwith a very open mind. My favourites songs from the past are probably Alice’s House, Love My Way, President Gas and maybe India, from their debut… and I don’t expect anything similar to appear on here. I’m probably about 60/40 on what I like and dislike. The 1st two tracks, The Boy That Invented Rock & Roll and the single, Don't Believe, are both very strong. The melodies are similar, comparing them to the old material and Richard Butler, s�ll sounds amazing… although there is a slight roughness to his once velvet lined voice. The only (minor) problem I have with this album, is that there’s not a lot of middle ground. I found myself either liking the song, like You'll Be Mine… which has a bit of a Peter Gabriel feel to it, or ha�ng it. Like the very limp, Ash Wednesday, which I can only describe as a direc�onless. I’d say that the only song that takes me back to the 80s is Hide The Medicine. It just has that classic Psychedelic Furs hook and it sits very nicely amongst their older material. And I think I’m glad that this doesn’t really sound like the band in their heyday. It keeps what they’ve created here relevant and the album isn’t just a nostalgia trip, or a blatant cash in, for re�rement money (as some bands do). Made of Rain feels like an album that the band enjoyed making. There are so many small nuances and textures, a lot of work has obviously gone into the making of the album… and hopefully, in �me, some of the songs that I don’t par�cularly like now, will begin to grow on me. A nice addi�on to my Furs collec�on and an album I’m sure I’ll enjoy for years to come… as well as re-discovering their back catalogue on a more regular basis. h�ps://thepsychedelicfurs.com/ h�ps://www.facebook.com/psychedelicfurs/

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