Nagaarum - Covid Diaries (Aesthe�c Death) Review by Steve Thomas-Green As the �tle suggests, this albumwas recorded during the current pandemic, a �me when Hungary’s Nagaarumwas planning a bit of down�me. The tracks were recorded over �me and released as the pandemic progressed, and if, like me, you missed them, you can now get them altogether on this album, which has just been released by Aesthe�c Death. So you know the subject of the album, but the style is a bit harder to pin down. Doom is the over-riding feel of the album, without being a full-on Doom album. My 1st impressions were of Hawkwind circa, The Wizard Blew His Horn, which came out in 1975… I’m also reminded of some of the talky bits that have li�ered Pink Floyds output. In fact, it does feel a li�le bit like a story, which obviously makes sense, but in turn, that reminded me of The Wall. Elsewhere, it’s very atmospheric dark ambience, which gives you the feeling of being lost in a sea of fog, a fewmoments of madness, opera�c female vocals… the mel�ng pot goes on and on. If I had to sum up this album in one word, it would be “intriguing”. As I’ve been short of �me, I’ve not played the album as many �mes as I would have liked. But I love how the album progresses and then culminates in the near 18 minute epic of Liquid Tomorrow, which has the aura of a Dystopian Rock Opera… which definitely doesn’t have a happy ending. If you want a boring paint by numbers album, then this isn’t for you. If you want something challenging and intelligent, then step right up…. h�ps://www.aesthe�cdeath.com/releases.php?mode=singleitem&albumid=4737 h�ps://www.facebook.com/nagaarumband

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