Front - An�christ Mili�a (Iron Bonehead) Review by Steve Thomas-Green Finland’s Front had a video removed from a supposedly Metal website recently, because the band are “sketchy”… and that was the only reason given. I hate the PC brigade’s intrusion into Metal… If I wanted safe music, I’d listen to whatever shit is in the charts… Front have imagery which some might take offence to. Skulls, bullets belts, iron crosses, tanks etc… plus references to war… But when you’re singing about war and sound like a cross between Motörhead, Marduk and Slayer, what the fuck do people expect? There’s a tribute to Lemmy on this EP, en�tled Iron Front and that should tell you where the hearts of this band lie. The song itself sounds like a gnarly mix of Iron Fist and Overkill, especially the drumming. And if that’s the music you like, forget the crap the media write (I know I’m part of that brigade, but I’m a music fan rather than a corporate idiot worrying about offending people) then you’ll love Front. This, like Motörhead, is no frills Rock N Roll… the band just blast through the six songs without any fanfare… and quite o�en, that’s exactly what I want to listen to. Ok, this is a lot darker than the music Lemmy created, but the bea�ng heart is the same. And when people shy away frommusic that is themed around war, do the same people refuse to watch the news each day, because that’s what I see almost everyday on my tv. h�ps://
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