THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1ST THE EDGE, BELLEVILLE, IL 701 S. BELT W 4pm Go Kart Races Prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Best Race Times 5pm Food & Drinks Pizza and 2 Drink Tickets 6pm Bowling Two Games with prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Primary Contact: Company Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Bowler Name: Bowler Name: Bowler Name: Bowler Name: Bowler Name: $50 PER BOWLER / GO KART RACER (NO FLIP FLOPS, SANDALS, OR HEELS OVER 1”) BOOZE BARROW RAFFLE TICKET Tickets: 1 for $5, 3 for $10, or 10 for $20 Limited number of chances sold. Winner does NOT have to be present to win EVENT SPONSORSHIPS $100 Go Kart Track Sponsor Logo on drink tickets & signage at the race track $350 Strike Sponsor Includes team, bowling lane signage & invitation logo TOTAL DUE $: INVOICE (members only) CHECK ENCLOSED VISA / MC (credit card payments will be charged a 4% convenience fee) CC # EXP DATE CVC SIGNATURE Cancellation will be accepted 5 days prior to HBA PWB Event ~ No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations or no-shows. Home Builders Association Professional Women in Building Metro East, 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 Page 7 ZIP CODE
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