On the Legislative front in 2020 there we no bills called in Illinois, not much of a session. There was a budget passed and the veto session was cancelled. One of our State House of Representatives, Charlie Meier, was able to get involved with a mother from his district with a handicapped son who resides in a home bringing her objections of not being able to see her child. She organized the group Illinois Caregivers for Compromise. This Mother was able to get other parents and legislators to join. They worked with the Illinois Department of Public Health, rallied at the Capitol, wrote letters, made phone calls, etc. Toward the end of the year they received word that individuals can have a care person with them! It just takes on person to get the ball rolling and we are very proud that State Representative Charlie Meier played a part in this. Family members can go through testing protocols and enter facilities to take care of their loved ones as long as there isn’t an ongoing outbreak. This is a small victory that will mean so much to anyone that has been kept from being with a loved one in a facility. The group, Illinois Caregivers for Compromise, is now lobbying for a state law mandating the essential caregiver position to prevent their loved ones from being isolated again. It goes without saying that COVID-19 has brought great suffering for many families. Please keep them in your thoughts and help them get thru this with your support and understanding. Page 12

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