4 GROUNDCOVER NEWS ELECTION DAY NOVEMBER 1, 2024 Beyond this election: FREEDOM ALL, FREEDOM BEST. Let's cast our vote for Harris-Walz! AMANDA GALE Groundcover vendor No. 573 This election season has not failed to top each of the recent 20-30 years’ national elections — for drama, intrigue and for what-all is at stake. "We the people …" of United States have a CLEAR, DISTINCTIVE pathway, we MUST FULFILL and OPT for–IF for a good majority yet from and for humanity, to yet ourselves SEEK for GOOD from and for ourselves, as a race of people — human. If we have done ourselves the great DISSERVICE of electing the campaign that ENSLAVES us — by abolishing the document that from ourselves first suggested we have EVERY RIGHT to be FREE, and that our persons INNATELY and INHERENTLY ARE FREE! — we will have simply EVIDENCED the HORROR OF OUR fallenness — by making it that MUCH MORE DIFFICULT for ourselves for SEEKING, "The GOOD." Of course, we might have opted to not know anymore what "the GOOD" is. A belief in RELATIVISM has been exchanged for a belief in some basic standard mores that once were ASSUMED and ACCEPTED — by those of us CONCEIVED and BORN under this WILD notion that we ARE and actually COULD BE / CAN BE — FREE! IF we have elected a mere "end justifies the means" INSTEAD OF A BEST DIRECTION AHEAD pathway; IF we will have SURRENDERED ourselves to the MAGA CULT OF THE MOST RECENT deceiving though seeming charismatic personality — who has PLAINLY told us he will STEAL AWAY / ERODE our FREEDOMS yet further, and under a GUISE of being a protector for us — we will begin experiencing the HORRORS of LOSING our FREEDOMS — beginning with "the Least of us" who are in NEED vocationally and financially, who have already been quite OVERLOOKED for our POTENTIALITIES and GIFTS by a larger, ELITE society; and we’ll have to work that MUCH HARDER! IF we have APPROVED for a direction that criminalizes "the Least of These" who are homeless and/or who reside atypically for modern times — and even do so under a GUISE of as if "PRO-LIFE" — UTTER SHAME! to us. If we have selected the candidate who has already at times at previous campaign rallies ordered, "arrest that person!" to some ACTUALLY PEACEFUL PROTESTORS who were MERELY SEEKING in that way to EXPOSE and RESCUE! Humanity from the WORST that could be from itself — TRUE HORROR! will be upon us. If we have selected an elitist modus operandi that SHAMES and BLAMES those recognized as being "NEEDY" among us; and also even mandates further DEPRIVATIONS for those who are deemed as if being the non-SUPERIORS among us — WOE! to us. WHAT!? are we INVITING onto Humanity — if we EXCLUDE and DEPRIVE those not deemed as being under our group of "the approved;" when we PREVENT/DENY their SKILLS and CAPABILITIES — though by which so DOING simply actually exposes/ reveals our own GROSS! and EXTREME NEEDS if we ourselves are the elitists? If while claiming we DEPLORE the IMPERIALISTIC IMPOSINGS and CONDEMNINGS that have occurred in South America, and on our own continent, and all throughout history in various places we vote for that which even BLATANTLY tells us its INTENTIONS are to do the SAME, here, now, and by starting with those who are simply The MOST VULNERABLE, and the least popular among us as a people and society — is that not APPROVAL of our own hypocrisies? Of course there are these people who we will begin with who are "heinous criminals" who have crossed-over the border and we use them as our beginning point for scapegoating and deportation — not allowing oursleves the REALIZATION that at some point, we’re NEXT! Is it "a GOOD Thing" for us to ANNIHILATE ourselves? How do we know if we even ACTUALLY EXIST — or even if there is actual GOOD, and WHAT IT IS? We NEED a STARTING POINT! As a Christian of course I realize THE BIBLE as GOD’S Objective LOVE-letter to the Human Race is inviting us to HIS Redemption and WHOLENESS. Outside of that, though, could there even yet be MERCIES and GRACES for humanity that ISN’T even Christian? What does that require? How can we “get there?" Will we ever REALLY, "arrive?” As a Christian I believe "arrival" by only mere finite, fallen means — is DOOMED! Nonetheless, I believe in a GOD who is SO! MERCIFUL that HE DOESN’T SEEK to ABANDON us to our own ultimately wicked ends; but WHO OFFERS us EACH and ALL the OPPORTUNITY to ourselves even OPT for at least what will be even if just in this LIFE a pathway of MORE PEACE and LESS SUFFERINGS — if we WILL. Have we now decided to be no special place of inspiration, to be no HARBOR for the WEARY and WANDERING, to UNDO our U.S. Constitutional Limitation of Powers — including and ESPECIALLY for our "Chief Executive?" Do we now NEED a self-proclaimed Martial Law "Protector" — to mete out to and upon us — the (supposed) freedoms for ourselves we are REFUSING? If SUBJUGATION and SUPPRESSION are the means by which we procure birth, what have we (*) wrought? And then blamed GOD for? And, WHY NOT? Follow after the dictates from other countries? Surely it’s "a better way," such as China mandates/IMPOSES — when and IF!? for family and children. Sure, you want Russia and "good ‘ole putin" to tell you, you MUST! be! and CAN ONLY be! a factory worker, a dentist, a kgb informant, et cetera. And you CANNOT! be the sculptor, the chef, the dentist, or factory worker that you! yourself! WANT to be! You CAN’T even have FREEDOM of press to even print Groundcover! If you’re a Christian, listen to Job's lament: "Oh that I had been aborted/miscarried — INSTEAD of birthed into MISERABLE SUFFERINGS!" If you’re not a Christian, please listen to even just the GLAD common sense of patriot Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty, or give me death." However perhaps we will have already instead decided to REJECT the bribe and supposed "justification" of trading our liberties? Let us Hope and Pray we will have already in a simplest way — our Vote — have decided for, the least egregiously consequential way for ourselves. Let us Hope and Pray we will have already DETERMINED that we WILL NOT! EVER! SURRENDER our Souls and liberties to anyone! for ANY! reason — NO MATTER WHAT! Are we already REALIZING that a surrenderee always sooner or later LOSES! that which is PRECIOUS and perhaps might NEVER!? be REGAINED? Do we LIKE it now already — when police OVERSTEP our FREEDOMS and our RIGHTS, and the boundaries — ethical and/or legal of the ENTRUSTMENT of their authority? And WHY!? Did Kwame Kilpatrick receive a jail term, while donald trump is pursuing a second term!? Have we CHOSEN the National Executive Team whose INTEGRITY and up-front indications can lead the way for ALL the BEST they are ASSURING for? Or have we settled for the supposed pair that merely as all dictators do, gives us only duping, changeable, INCONGRUITIES for FREEDOM and LIFE? Will we kowtow to the hitler-praising bloodbath threat or AFFIRM our potentialities and responsibilities FOR THE TRIUMPH of GOOD!? Of course we might not even know what? Or if "GOOD" — IS? Or if so; WHAT? IT IS? However, did it feel "REAL GOOD" to have to LIVE in FEAR of possible germ WARFARE on our own shores — via trump? Or, maybe you REALLY liked all those CLAMPING DOWN RESTRICTIONS like, we’re even AFRAID to breathe or cough or sneeze around each other, and we CAN’T even be around or near each other for concerts, or playgrounds, or LOVE. And say, HOW? did fauci (**) "know?" Of course we know that the people from totalitarian countries are JUST BEGGING! for an EXPANSION of the dictates OVER them, leaving NO ALTERNATIVE ANYWHERE! We know that they URGE us to ACCEPT! as BEST-human "whatever" whims a dictator and/or successor might RULE. Though maybe we have yet CHOSEN the TEAM who will lead only by the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED who welcome ACCOUNTABILITY from "we the people …" instead of COMPLETE "IMMUNITY" for themselves! Is leadership for us that which we ELECT, ENTRUSTING us, EMPOWERING us? Or have we decided for a particular individual and/or oligarch to CANCEL OUT our WILL, and AT ANY time themselves instead Determining what we "NEED?" But IF you will promote BETRAYAL Of FREEDOMS even as the supposed means for "you and yours" by which to SAVE others and supposedly result in a "Utopia," that’s on you! For "you and yours." If however "you and yours" STRIP AWAY FREEDOM for "me and mine" — I ask you: is THAT WHAT you DESIRE, FROM me? Now if I am in any way DISSENTING, WHAT will you do with me? SURELY NOTHING LESS than the "mind-control" and TORTURE that typically occurs to expatriates SEEKING to EXPOSE and/or FREE us from "the Regime?" I may LOVE you in CHRIST, or even as a human being. However, I’ll NOT! OPT to even SAVE your unborn children — so that you ENSLAVE! me and mine! If we truly want to INSURE LIFE, this DOESN’T occur by MERELY MANDATING birth. So this election is NOT! merely a selection, but a REFERENDUM. Do "we the people …" value FREEEDOM and LIFE, or the MIRAGE of IMPOSTERS? Guess what? It’s NOT! TOO LATE!! (I learned while being an election inspector previously when resident in Canton, that even if you’ve already voted — like absentee, or even while at the polls — and you realize you have made a TERRIBLE ERROR, you have the right up until the close of the polls on election night to destroy that erring ballot and to cast as best possible for all the good and best that American seeks to be.) So, LET’S BE SURE TO VOTE! And to VOTE BEST! FOR our FREEDOMS! I am ASSURED even NONETHELESS that IF "we the people …" somehow FAIL ourselves for our chosen outcome for this election — that even the WORST IMMEDIATE and/or ULTIMATE SUFFERINGS and WRONG ways of going that might occur — WILL NOT! be what ULTIMATELY PREVAILS. I KNOW this because I KNOW JESUS. However, I even know this, because I know that the human spirit that HE Created–Innately MUST and WILL — ultimately also shine through for FREEDOM.
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