8 GROUNDCOVER NEWS CONTINUED CHARGE from page 4 dualism permanent? We can only resolve this dilemma by choosing the assumption that speaks to us and living it out. We tend toward dualism or holism based on our current understanding and stay with it because it works or change it because it is not working. Mindfulness training usually begins with mindfulness of the breath. Mindfulness can be used with all the senses and go from tranquility to insight meditation. A teacher will help you navigate the stages of the path and master them a step at a time. We are fortunate to have Khenpo Choephel at the Karuna Buddhist Center, located in Bethlehem United Church of Christ. Khenpo is an honorific for those who have taken Dharma vows and mastered years of study and practice. Dharma is a Sanskrit word meaning reality, particularly the sacred reality that is full and complete enlightenment, that is awakening to the buddha nature inherent in all sentient beings. Ignorance, with its many habitual patterns, becomes an addiction to illusion. Splitting reality into its constituent parts in search of something substantial becomes an obsession. Dualism becomes a habit as we look for the missing part. The most common dualism is self and other. This egocentric view is powerful and promotes a very competitive lifestyle. It makes some people rich and powerful. Wealth is a social marker of success in bourgeois society. The disparities in wealth and the destruction of nature by wealth extraction has brought us to the point where we must look at our assumptions and choose what works best. You may be a bit crazy as you leave bourgeois compliance culture and embrace the struggle for something more authentic. This choice is becoming more popular during my lifetime. Many aspire to a more cooperative and compassionate life and are beginning the shift. We are in a period when there is a growing sense that something is wrong, that our lives are out of control. We are not able to stop the war machine and its declared purpose of full spectrum domination which may lose one war after the other but continues vigorously in the financial and ideological fronts. These two fronts continue into space as the colonization of Mars is the next step towards the sole superpower of the universe which will storm the gates of heaven in its quest for dominance. "The Great Taking” by David Rogers Webb and “The Trading Game” by Gary Stephenson clarify our current situation of centralization of power. Lynette Zang is important in this analysis and I believe summarizes a growing collective view that the only solution to our growing crisis is to build community. We can start by growing our own food in community. Willow Run Acres and the Argus Farm Stop ethic that “The Future Is Local” will thrive when we come together as human beings who are children of the earth. Remember “The Earth Is My Witness” in the March 8, 2024 edition of Groundcover News. Our relationship to Earth Day and annarborcommunitycommons.org is an excellent opportunity to focus on a felt sense of the body and accept the wisdom of the body as the best advisor on the proper direction for the MAY 3, 2024 next step and inspire us to step onto and stay on Freedom Road. May Day celebrates the solidarity that keeps us together. May 27 is Memorial Day. Veterans For Peace celebrates this day with the Arlington Midwest display of crosses all day at Grand Circus Park in Detroit. It’s a collaboration of southwest Michigan veterans. They need a truck to move the many crosses in the display. I will use mindfulness of the breath as a step to mindfulness of the body — and eventually mindfulness of the mind as we mature on the stages of the path. The completion stage awaits us as our ego dissolves into the all good expanse of primordial purity.
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