MAY 17, 2024 ECONOMY The first meeting of the People’s Peace Bank on Earth Day this year was canceled so we could attend the rally and camp for Palestine on the Diag. Money and war are so fixed in the global political economy that the struggle for peace may be ready for a breakthrough in theory and practice. Using the word “people’s” does not mean public. The Bank of North Dakota is the only publicly-owned state bank in the United States. In my view they are one kind of people’s bank.The Michigan legislature is considering one. The People’s Peace Bank I propose would be local. The mission would be to invest in peace. Anything that promoted a simple and true lifestyle would be worthy of investment. From concerts to conferences, simplifying households, promoting local agriculture, to seeing that basic needs in education and health care are addressed. The financial context would be a balanced flow of energy open to anything but war. We will not contribute to genocide. Most of my Groundcover articles are full of references to “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” We need consensus on reality. For example, I reject the machine model of reality and embrace reality as a living organic presence which gives us guidance when we respect and study what is happening in the life of this world. Therefore the first meeting of PPB will look at the work of Richard Werner, the German economist who spent enough time in Japan to understand the role of central banks, then wrote a bestseller in Japanese. The English title is “Princes of the Yen.” It is also in podcast form. Basic science begins with the laws of thermodynamics. I want to focus on the conservation of energy. This law of thermodynamics states that mass-energy cannot be created or destroyed but changes form. It refers to a closed system. I assume that our KEN PARKS Groundcover vendor No. 490 priority project. Using the resources we have at hand, let’s look at the different forms of money and how to use them. I think that Gerald Celente is helpful here. From fiat currency to gold and blockchain technologies, how do we best put our energy to work? What projects are worthy of support? I propose that we meet on May 25 universe is a closed system, so from the Big Bang until now we have the same energy mass in our universe that is in constant motion amid transformation. If you search for the number of universes the answer tends to infinity. I will skip the quantum mechanics and relativity variations on the theme and go to Richard Werner’s empirical experiment which showed that loans create money out of nothing. I believe that loans are an expression of existing reality as it changes form. The legal expression “ex nihilo” (out of nothing) would then refer to a new expression of existing mass-energy. For completeness in theory we will accept the reality that atoms and molecules are mostly empty space which is an energy field. A focused breath will help us foster a sane state of mind with the complexity of life. Simple and complex is the dialectic at work that can help us experience and create transformations; when you discover the unity of opposites you open the door to unconditional love. It is possible to miss the obvious because we are so distracted by thinking and miss the primordial awareness which is the source of thinking. I hope I am making enough sense that we can go to work. We can focus on the practical by looking at what needs to be done. Compost war and grow peace is a during the 200th anniversary of Ann Arbor celebration on the Ann Arbor community commons. Starting at 11 a.m. there will be discussion with Conscious Cafe on development and use of community resources. I recommend that you prepare by listening to Richard Werner’s presentation at the Dubai Capital Club on central bank digital currencies. This podcast could be shown at our first meeting. The VALHALLA Network is a decentralized autonomous organization to establish and own a global network of community banks. Let’s explore work with them and look at the time banking and local currencies that have been percolating in Ann Arbor for some decades. We may create a process for loans among ourselves that show promise of long term benefit. Bringing two households together to form one household could maximize best use of resources and create a surplus of healthy food and time for creative work. One household could save money and more easily repay the loan. This is an example of things that could be done. exp. 01/31/2025 Invest in peace and quality of life. No money for genocide. Of course I am triple booked that weekend and plan to do GROUNDCOVER NEWS People's Peace Bank is an idea whose time has come Friday night in Detroit at the Swords into Plowshares forum on Palestine, Saturday in Ann Arbor at the commons then back to Detroit on Sunday for the final day of the solidarity with Palestine and our global context. Monday is Memorial Day. Will Veterans For Peace do the Arlington Michigan cross display at Grand Circus Park? There is no shortage of things to do — pick one and carry on. 11
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