10 GROUNDCOVER NEWS THINK ABOUT IT Bent neck All my early life, I was taught that the glory of a male is how beautiful his mate is. For me, never having a true legal wife had seemed to make me walk with a bent neck, slumped over to a degree in defeat of this game they call Love. When I was a kid, my older brothers would pay me no mind unless I had pretty girlfriends hanging out with me. Soon, I learned my value was the beauty beheld in my female company. Having schizophrenia, I barely knew how to really connect with males, let alone females. It seems to me as I read the Bible that the glory of a woman is her hair, and I concluded from my upbringing the glory of a man is his wife and the glory of God is His son. Jesus may have never been married, no children, never having sexual intercourse, but I surmise His Glory is the Bride of Christ like KEVIN ALLGOOD Groundcover contributor social security and I may not be the mainstream voice at Groundcover. With that said, blessed is the organization that would have many lenses to see from, therefore to pick the best lens for that given day. Jesus rightfully said the only way to the glory of Christians is Jesus's glory. (It is written that greater are the works the Bride will do because Jesus cut His life so short in willingly laying down His life for the Bride, aka Christians.) So we as Christians should work to exceed the good works of Jesus, who died at 33.5 years old. I'm a Christian schizophrenic on the Father is by Me and our surpassing good works would not ever be obtainable without the sacrifice of the sinless Holy (and that means without blemish of the Holy Sheep Christ Jesus. My heart’s desire is that I'd one day fall in love and walk in a world with amazing love in Me, for it is written that Love always wins. To walk upright not slumped over as if the world had not beaten me in the game of Love. All things are possible to those who believe and I do believe that at 46-47 years old (I stopped counting birthdays when I realized no one was showing up on my birthdays) that life can start even at the age of 47. And I believe that my glory can walk into the room one day and my life will therefore begin. I do notice that people hold you in higher esteem when you have a beautiful wife or mate, and although through my upbringing I was taught my value was that of whom I was with, I don't think the Bible sees it that way, because when it comes down to it, Abba Father God wants Man to be the glory of His Son Jesus. JUNE 30, 2023  MAD GOD from page 6 but I’d love to ask Tippett about it. When “Mad God” was discovered, there was no doubt encouragement towards Tippett’s journey of pursuing the once-abandoned film to its completion Although I’m suggesting this movie, I would feel pretty cruel if I were to omit a stern warning to you. This is not, I repeat, is not a movie for the faint of heart! It depicts the darkest, grittiest, most horrible, awful, unrepentant soiler of all known things of sacred purity. It is full-on, rightto-the-edge of the worst possible horrors of not just humanity but any and all perceived existence. You cannot just call it dark and disturbed because it is so much beyond that, and so much more than any sad, sadistic offense. It’s a film that normal, goodnatured people should never witness. It leaves you feeling and knowing you are forever changed for the worse. However, anyone who can see beyond this will observe other underlying points and lessons, Unavoidable truths, such as the forever-unchanging cruelty that the cycle of time employs for the continued miracle of existence. Yes, this is a movie that is definitely not for everybody. However I more or less got the gist and I absolutely loved it, if only for its level of creative expression. And I’ve always been into all kinds of deep philosophical crap, so with that I highly recommend it to any like-minded persons and especially gore and horror fans. Saying that writing a descriptive review of this film is a challenge is an understatement. I wouldn’t know how to begin describing it, but a 90s TOOL music video comes to mind. So there you go, I tried my best informing you and I hope you find this assessment accurate if not totally enlightening, for those of you who choose to check this film out anyway. Being a fan of the darker corners of our imaginations, I thoroughly enjoyed this particular creation. I still wouldn’t call this a horror movie but I do recall it being attached to “Shudder,” which is a horror-themed streaming service. You can find it on there, or at the library on DVD. Just don’t hate me if you get nightmares! I did my best to warn you after all, but I hope you can understand the point I’m trying to make. This film is unique and interesting.  SEBI from page 8 Have you wondered why Hawaiian (pineapple and ham) pizza is always on the menu? You’re in luck, you just found a rest area for your wandering thoughts. The reason why is that pineapple is acidic and breaks down pork fat which is bad for the body. With the foods on Dr. Sebi’s Alkaline list, in theory, you could kill cancer cells. (Cancer is considered anything foreign to the body). Doctors sometimes treat cancer patients with chemo, which kills the cancer, in addition to hair follicles and more. With alkaline-charged foods, you can prevent cancerous cells from forming in the first place. You can recharge your internal organs and reverse-engineer dead cells. (Result may vary; consult your primary care doctor.) I’ve been doing this diet for six months. I am not a cancer patient but I will say that because of this diet my mood is better, I’m calmer, my gut is healthy and I feel great. If you want to know more about Doctor Sebi and the diet and witness this transformation for yourself, visit drsebiscellfood.com

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