JUNE 16, 2023 PUZZLES GROUNDCOVER NEWS 11  POSITIVITY from last page the negative thought cycle and mental distress and agony. It doesn't make sense to allow things that have transpired and expired in the past to affect us today. Let's make today and tomorrow better by becoming better versions of ourselves and beautifying our surroundings. Like a good friend of mine said, “Take a deep breath and do something good.” Start by realizing what's in the past is in the past. You have already gotten over it. It hurt when it happened, but you hold the key to not letting it hurt today. Realize that we humans are very variable and capable of both good and bad. Therefore, embrace the good and forgive the bad. Remember that we all face different circumstances that can dilute and dictate our judgment at times. By forgiving your traumatizers, you not only give yourself relief but also them. Start with small acts of kindness, such as smiling, stopping on the road to smell the flowers, enjoying the beauty of the sunshine and nature around you, getting a fresh haircut (in my case, it involves a nice head shave that leaves my bald head sparkling and shiny, making Mr. Clean jealous), putting on a nice outfit and just walking outside, complimenting your fellow man on the street, whether they are an acquaintance or just a pedestrian. Go for a bike ride, enjoy a nice meal, or just go to the ice cream parlor and ask for sample spoons of all the flavors. Just remember that negative thoughts are just thoughts. They do not stop you or define you. And that small acts of kindness and small acts of self-hedonism will work to accumulate a degree of happiness, which will uplift your mood and affect your disposition for the better. Seeking therapy and counseling is great, and I advise all those struggling with mental health issues to please utilize the knowledge and power of mental health professionals, whether through your health insurance or through the county-provided services such as Community Mental Health. I myself will be seeking therapy to make sure that I am on the right path. The gist of what I am trying to say is this: we all have our fair share of negative memories and traumatizing experiences that we carry inside of us. At any time, they can arise to destabilize our being and progress. But by facing them and embracing them, we take away their destructive and destabilizing power. If we start by executing small positive tasks, we build up progress to accomplish bigger and better things. In my experience, going to the gym to work out has been extremely helpful. It has given me mental clarity, improved my mental health, improved my physical appearance and my diet, which has had a wonderful effect on my personality and thought pattern as a whole. By doing a large number of small positive tasks, I am able to accumulate positive energy, which in turn gives me the courage and motivation to 10% OFF LUNCH JOIN US FOR 122 W. Liberty, Ann Arbor • oldtownaa.com • (734) 662-9291 Dine in only, offer good Mon - Sat 11:30 am - 4:00 pm, excludes alcohol. Expires 7/1/23 seek even greater positive challenges. One of those small positive tasks for me has been riding a bicycle. It feels great, gets me where I need to go faster, and improves my cardiovascular health. Also, seek a hobby. Find something that you enjoy doing. On the real, one of the best things that has happened to me has been writing. I never thought that I would have my articles published in a newspaper, let alone a full page. That's why I give a huge heartfelt shoutout to the Groundcover family, starting with the awesome Managing Director for doing such an amazing job, to all the editorial staff for making sure my writing makes sense, all the donors for making sure we have this outlet, and last but not least, the vendors for making sure that our works get into the hands of the readers. Whatever you do, just remember that what has happened in the past does not dictate your tomorrow, for it is a better day. Start with small positive acts and, trust me, they will accumulate into bigger and better things. And hey, wherever you are going, I pray that all the traffic lights on your way turn green. Amen.

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