12 GROUNDCOVER NEWS POETRY Happy 2023! ANONYMOUS Not abandoning the lessons of year 2022 I welcome you already 2023 Although many think that they have failed because 2022 is gone 2022 in my eyes brought me closer to my goal to not be limited in my Mind, person, often referred to as my personality, character. I see 2023 as the gates of opportunity For the time 2022 has carried me with and through, on out of it! I have come, privileged to write this testament Will you agree? Oh! I know that we have not accepted the most beautiful, powerful parts of us! We just at times are entranced by a gaze pretending not to look as we peek At what is more beautiful, most worthy to contemplate! Not even imagine, Can not see Oh! How much 2023 means to me. Happy New Year!!!! TWO RECIPES ON PAGE 5: Creamy carrot soup and Easy tomato beef pasta Logic puzzle solution: 41312432 JANUARY 13, 2023 PUZZLE SOLUTIONS Conquer the Cold is Back! The challenge returns January 10–February 10, 2023! Register now at CommuteandWin.org #OwnWinter @getdowntown The getDowntown Program provides commuting programs and services to downtown Ann Arbor employees and employers. A program of TheRide, getDowntown's partners include the City of Ann Arbor and the Ann Arbor DDA.
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