6 GROUNDCOVER NEWS ENVIRONMENT Discussions are an everyday occurrence in our lives covering every conceivable topic and our opinions therein. Being one of the billions of inhabitants of this world negatively affected by the power-hungry corporate tyrants who have no concern over consequences, I often find myself childishly complaining about such soulless people in conversation — people who intentionally stand in the way of a better civilization and the overall planet. So I find myself expressing my disgust for those whose desires can never be satisfied and how alien such an existence is to my own. What really shocks me is the fact that these few people who hold the entire world hostage are quite clearly outnumbered by their victims. Yeah, we seem unable or unwilling at times to get up and knock these jerks off their seats of power. Just to clarify, I don't speak of people who are simply affluent. I'm talking about real monsters who got us dependent on their energy sources. My belief is these people are those who can control the energy market — more specifically the corporate corruptors who run the fossil fuels industry. These are the true power holders of the earth, not the social elite, not politicians and not even Elon Musk. I shouldn't need to point out that when it comes to all the oil is gone — especially because the damage it's doing is very apparent. Worst of all, it may already be too late for anything we do to even matter. But man, it would be an underJAMES MANNING Groundcover vendor No. 16 clean alternative environmentally-blessing energy I think it's highly unlikely these guys are willing to embrace it. Today we have several means of renewable and clean energy and anyone with half a brain has asked the question, "Why the hell aren't we replacing the destructive burning of fossil fuels with it?" The first issue is that it can be very hard to just replace a current, tried-and-true, effective system for our energy needs, however finite it may be. I do feel that people who run this industry hold world-ending power though and I think they might be the type that if they go down they will take the whole damn planet with them. Also that level of power would probably require a planet-sized intervention to even challenge it. But we obviously can't just wait around until statement to say that a person who finds their own wealth and self-interest as more important than the world's and the human race’s interest “pisses me off.” I don't care how poor and unimportant people find me, being angry is one right I have that SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 The obvious uphill battle for a future with clean energy nobody can deprive me of and I know I'm in the right on this one. It's such a shame the situation is more complex than the solution being one big giant revolt descending on these people and dragging them down in the street. But sadly nothing is ever solved by such simplistic methods and certainly not when dealing with the corporate giants of any kind. And finally see ENERGY page 8  24/7 CALL FOR MENTAL HEALTH OR SUBSTANCE USE SUPPORT 734-544-3050 Brought to you by the 2019 - 2026 Washtenaw County Public Safety and Mental Health Preservation Millage washtenaw.org/millage

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