10 GROUNDCOVER NEWS TRUTH OR LIES Truth or lies: The Quest Throughout the history of humankind people have searched from mountain plateau to every forest floor looking for the fountain of youth. In 1722 King George I of Great Britain had a secret exploration commission. He hired his dear friend, Thomas Chatham, and wife, Sabrina. He gave Thomas the best ship he owned, along with a crew of 30 men and seven women. Thomas's job was to explore the world north, south, east and west for 10 years in search of the fountain of youth. King George I never understood how far they could travel, or if they could even go across the world. However, he tried to prepare them as best as he could. He gave them instruments and mapping charts, navigational tools and all the food supplies the ship could carry. He even supplied them with gold, rubies and diamonds for trade, and weapons to protect themselves. He sent his best archers and fighters as part of the crew, to protect the ship and his cargo. In hopes of not attracting pirates, he named the ship the Explorer. King George I trusted in Thomas, Thomas's adventure went well, until they were stranded on an uncharted island for six months. After repairing the ship, they left the island heading southwest. Time passed swiftly. After five years FELICIA WILBERT Groundcover vendor No. 234 who was really his third cousin by marriage. They grew up together; Thomas' mother was George's father’s servant. King George I knew he was ill. However, he never let anyone know how sick he really was. His confidence was in Thomas, and finding the fountain of youth, in order to heal himself. He had heard rumors of how the fountain would heal his body and restore his youth. Thomas and his crew left Great Britain in 1722 heading east. He documented and charted every island, mountain and body of water they traveled through. The first two years of he traveled to over 100 islands, still not finding the fountain of youth. After the seventh year, he finally landed in Canada. He was surprised to find out that King George had died two years earlier. One night while in Canada, his wife was sitting by the fire and had a vision. She saw the fountain of youth. It was a pool with words pouring out of it. The words were from God, explaining how to conduct your life in order to have eternal life. She rushed to her husband's side and requested his attention. Sitting down in their quarters she explained to him about her vision. She told him how she had seen the fountain of youth and how it was spewing out words. Her interpretation was that it is God’s plan for us to have eternal life with Him, and while we are here He preserves us. Thomas’s wife said, “Enough is enough, I’m tired of traveling, and you need to understand the word of God. The only fountain of youth is his preservation for us. Let’s not chase at the rumors and instead hold on to God’s word.” After contemplating his wife’s words, Thomas sold his ship and purchased land. They built a house for every family who was willing to stay. They settled in Canada and raised their family of three children until God came for them. Thank you Truth Or Lies readers, but you voted wrong! "Randy the Racer," published June 16, was LIES. Vote on whether or not "The Quest" is Truth or Lies at groundcovernews.org SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 -
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