2 $ NOVEMBER 3, 2023 | VOLUME 14 | ISSUE 23 YOUR PURCHASE BENEFITS THE VENDORS. PLEASE BUY ONLY FROM BADGED VENDORS. Shelters can help homeless people by providing quiet and privacy, not just a bunk and a meal. Page 5 MEET YOUR VENDOR: JANE REILLY PAGE 3 GROUNDCOVER NEWS AND SOLUTIONS FROM THE GROUND UP | WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICH. HUNGER and HOMELESSNESS AWARENESS WEEK EDITION Magnus the Entertainer addressing the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners during public comment. He was one of 21 speakers who addressed the lack of shelter in the County. THIS PAPER WAS BOUGHT FROM • Proposal: Housing-development accelerator • Charbonneau: Open your eyes to housing inequity. PAGE 4 @groundcovernews, include vendor name and vendor #
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