FEBRUARY 21, 2025 PUZZLES GROUNDCOVER NEWS CROSSWORD International Network of Street Papers 9 Groundcover Vendor Code While Groundcover is a non-profit, and paper vendors are self-employed contractors, we still have expectations of how vendors should conduct themselves while selling and representing the paper. The following is our Vendor Code of Conduct, which every vendor reads and signs before receiving a badge and papers. We request that if you discover a vendor violating any tenets of the Code, please contact us and provide as many details as possible. Our paper and our vendors should be positively impacting our County. • Groundcover will be distributed for a voluntary donation. I agree not to ask for more than the cover price or solicit donations by any other means. • When selling Groundcover, I will always have the current biweekly issue of Groundcover available for customer purchase. • I agree not to sell additional goods or products when selling the paper or to panhandle, including panhandling with only one paper or selling an issue more than 4 weeks old. • I will wear and display my badge when selling papers and refrain from wearing it or other Groundcover gear when engaged in other activities. • I will only purchase the paper from Groundcover Staff and will not sell to or buy papers from other Groundcover vendors, especially vendors who have been suspended or terminated. • I agree to treat all customers, staff, and other vendors respectfully. I will not “hard sell,” threaten, harass or pressure customers, staff, or other vendors verbally or physically. • I will not sell Groundcover under the influence of drugs or alcohol. • I understand that I am not a legal employee of Groundcover but a contracted worker responsible for my own well-being and income. • I understand that my badge is property of Groundcover and will not deface it. I will present my badge when purchasing the papers. • I agree to stay off private property when selling Groundcover. • I understand to refrain from selling on public buses, federal property or stores unless there is permission from the owner. • I agree to stay at least one block away from another vendor in downtown areas. I will also abide by the Vendor Corner Policy. • I understand that Groundcover strives to be a paper that covers topics of homelessness and poverty while providing sources of income for the homeless. I will try to help in this effort and spread the word. If you would like to report a violation of the Vendor Code or leave positive review of a Vendor experience please email contact@ groundcovernews.com or fill out the contact form on our website. ACROSS 1. Netting 5. Beer quantity 9. Small part in a movie 14. Trade show 15. Killer whale 16. Eyeball benders 17. Appear 18. Back 19. Bullion unit 20. Suitability 23. Iranian coins 24. Floral necklace 25. "Peanuts" creator 28. Finely woven fabric used for sheets 32. Aussie "bear" 33. Sandler of "Big Daddy" 35. Escape 36. Policy favoring governmental interference in economic affairs 40. Six-sided game piece 41. Historic periods 42. Sheriff's gang 43. Unattractively thin 46. Adviser 47. Bleat 48. Cognizant 50. Style of coat with overlap at the front 56. Chip dip 57. Reclined 58. Fertilizer ingredient 59. Whines 60. On the open water 61. Grass stem 62. Embarrass 63. Geek 64. Shell competitor DOWN 1. ___ Verde National Park 2. Board member, for short 3. Blueprint detail, for short 4. Local self-government 5. Spanish conquistador 6. "He's ___ nowhere man" (Beatles lyric) 7. Picket line crossers 8. Nobleman 9. Word inventor 10. Experiencing a suspension of breathing 11. Periodicals, informally 12. Love god 13. His "4" was retired 21. Pertaining to hair 22. Fragrant resin 25. Tire marks 26. Shaped like a volcano 27. Bigot 28. Taps 29. Select group 30. Catch, in a way 31. Old Eurasian wheat with bearded ears 33. Ethereal, in poetry 34. Genetic material 37. Corrupt 38. "La Boheme," e.g. 39. Unrivaled 44. Violations 45. Ohio River tributary 46. Female follower of Bacchus 48. Belittle 49. Drier, as humor 50. Slap on 51. Spanish stewpot 52. Brio 53. Genuine 54. Congers 55. River barriers 56. Place to get a massage
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