8 GROUNDCOVER NEWS CHRISTMAS Go to the Magi AMANDA GALE Groundcover vendor No. 573 Herod was “the King of the Jews” according to the Senate of the Roman Empire; well, at least he was Governor of Judea. The Senate and Citizenry did refer to herod, with that title that he SURELY revelled in. So when a delegation of oddly-dressed foreigners, who had travelled MANY WEARY MILES either afoot or via a transporting animal caravan, or maybe even via ship — suddenly arrived one day inquiring, “Where is HE WHO is born, KING OF THE JEWS?” that was perceived as an IMMINENT, IMMEDIATE THREAT to the Kingdom of Herod. herod wasn’t even fully Hebrew — and he was even from the line of Esau/ Edomites — who through the years, generation after generation just kept turning away from GOD; and also making it difficult to say the least — for actual SEEKERS of GOD and HIS Covenants. Thus also herod’s claim to power was EXPOSED as WEAK compared to One “born” — i.e. via full Hebrew lineage as “KING OF THE JEWS.” Besides that, herod’s Kingdom was all about Rome and this world’s system. It was STEEPED in “SEEK TO FEEL GOOD and HAVE WHAT You WANT" — by EXCLUSIVELY human INVENTION and SYSTEM — that was neither informed by GOD, nor CARED about HIM. Nor did that system SEEK GOD’S indications for human to human relationships, either. It was all glorying of self and humanity. Herod GLOATED over “the Temple” he had created — supposedly for a place for the Hebrew people with whom he was aligning and designated as having authority over — for worship of GOD. It was widely regarded as a magnificent structure, mystical enough to all the Gentiles whose repentance would NEVER be ACCEPTED for entry into the more inner regions within it by the religious leaders dominating through it — though there was obvious GREAT curiosity AMONGST the Gentiles, about what EXACTLY “the Temple” was, and ESPECIALLY about who the GOD it supposedly represented for — was like. However, the religious “leaders” there — presented a COMPLETELY EXCLUDING representation towards “the Gentiles,” INSTEAD OF the “LIGHT FOR THE GENTILES” that they were supposed to be WITNESSING about. Also, the supposed “Temple for the Hebrew GOD” had also ultimately devolved basically into functioning as a banking system that made alliance and protection between Hebrew people and the State of Rome. (No wonder adult-JESUS vehemently threw out the cashiers and the HELPLESS animals ENSLAVED to that system.) This was a shrewd maneuver from the religious elite; however, GOD always recognizes “the Lowly” as being closest in fellowship with HIS Heart, than those pursuing a "new" Babel. However, the money-lust wasn’t the only reason Rome and the Hebrew people dispersed to there were actually ENJOYING a GREAT ALLIANCE and PEACEFUL relationship that also included wide religious and cultural toleration for the Hebrew people. The Romans "now and then" since at least the last century of the BC era were dealing with Hasmonian Rebellions — starting with Mattathias Hasmon, just one of MANY by first century AD, and MANY afterwards also — including descendants of Hasmon who were self-proclaimed, military-styled supposed “Messiah’s” i.e. “Zionists” SEEKING the overthrow of Rome, and a self-devised, ethnically “purged” Hebrew Nation-State — CONTRARY to the focus and way that THE GOD OF THE HEBREWS had actually instructed. And Rome liked to “simplify” things, prevent “MESSY” situations and “BAD press” as it were — by such things as RIOTS; Rome also FEARED that TOO MUCH of such as RIOTS perhaps could even ultimately lead to an overthrow, an UNDOING OF Rome. “The Empire” and its emperor were viewed as “the Great Protector” from which all GOOD things for LIFE proceeded. Because of this valid fear of “the Zionists” by Rome because of ALL the CHAOS at very least that their RIOTINGS caused for Rome, it was therefore actually to Rome’s advantage to cater somewhat to the dispersed Hebrew people’s leaders — financially and politically. However, if these IMPURITIES of heart weren’t enough to link Rome and Judea, herod had also even built a Temple, directly to Caesar and Hebrew people were making "sacrifices" there for the Roman Emperor, and without the emperor even realizing that the original, actual Hebrew religious tradition intended sacrifices as an expression of contrition and a humble, prayerful SEEKING of FORGIVENESS from Sin from GOD. The “sacrifices” thus being made for the Roman Emperor, were thus much more akin with the pagan “appease the gods” type of sacrifices. (No wonder GOD Says, “I desire mercy, and not a sacrifice.") So when the delegation of these surely oddly-dressed foreigners — the Magi — arrived, SURELY herod was thinking, "WHAT!? DON’T these people KNOW!? HAVEN’T they Heard!? I AM THE GREAT HEROD, KING OF JUDEA, THE ONLY KING OF THE JEWS! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!? THE WHOLE EMPIRE KNOWS THAT I AM." So these people, the Magi — would've SEEMED REALLY other-worldly. Indeed, their style, approach, the INFO they did and didn’t have; EVERYTHING about them, was just REALLY “other-worldly” seeming. And herod “and all Jerusalem with him” — were “AFRAID!” There seems to be some historical suggestion that the Magi were even, “Parthians;” this group of people were intermittently warring with Rome, and most frequently it was the Parthians who were victorious over Rome in these ongoing battles. If so, the Magi would’ve also then been from an “enemy” people. Besides that, any idea that GOD would “go to” a “foreign” people instead of those descended from those written about and through in Moses and the Hebrew prophets and poets — seemed UTTERLY BLASPHEMOUS! Surely the Magi — along with most of the "Gentile” world by that time were WELL-AWARE of the prophecies of Daniel. The GREAT Curiosity that Gentiles had about the Hebrew GOD and Faith, had even resulted in the commissioning of the Hebrew Scriptures into common language for the Gentiles — and it was referred to as “the Septuagint.” The first Emperor of Rome had declared himself, “Prinkeps” — first Citizen of Rome; though he went beyond this to also be referred to overtly and hintingly as EXACTLY, “THE MESSIAH.” The political peace that was ushered in via Augustus after 100 years of civil war, was GREATLY APPRECIATED by “the People,” and that and the financial prosperity that many were ENJOYING via Rome was DESIRED TO NOT BE DISRUPTED by ANYTHING or ANYONE! Rome offered convenient and fast travel via its roads, and had “public” baths, and eventually even fast-food outlets and CRUEL “entertainment.” There was even a form of social service aid via “the Corn Dole” — that every financially poor Roman male citizen was bestowed, gratis. What more could people WANT or NEED? And who were these “crazy” Magi — divining from the Stars — information about a newborn “KING OF THE JEWS?” Why did GOD go to/through the Magi? A people outside of the Hebrews he’d started with; and a faith that could even seem as if at odds with — the traditional Hebrew Faith. The answer is simple. Many of the people in the people-group GOD was making a beginning with, had STOPPED listening to HIM — QUITE COMPLETELY! Whatever it was that was being SOUGHT — it WASN’T a relationship With GOD; and people relationships that HE gives and makes POSSIBLE. SO GOD HIMSELF went to and through — these “outsiders.” They are people who are available for GOD and we need to be avilable for them. However, all through HIS WORD, it’s ALWAYS “the outsiders” whose hearts REALLY are SEEKING HIM or are at least ready to receive HIM when HE reveals HIMSELF to them, and thus whom HE "goes to and through" anyway. The writer of the New Testament Book of Hebrews thus invites us (Hebrews 13:13) to join JESUS, “outside the (i.e. mainstream)” i.e. the “ACCEPTED APPROVED” mere religion that occurs supposedly in HIS Name. This is WHY we ourselves NEED to “Go to the Magi.” They will lead us AWAY from fallen-human devisings — right to JESUS, the GOD-Man, instead. They will lead us to something better than for our lives to exist in the EMPTINESS of supposed constant gain, hierarchies, prestige or using people. They will lead us to RECEIVING the FREE GIFT of GOD’S Grace — AND thus to relate with HIM and each other, in TRUE PEACE and HARMONY. They will lead us to the Promise of MESSIAH’S RESTORATIVE (Cf Acts) return, when also animals and The WHOLE Creation (Cf Romans 8) are finally FOREVER FREED from the effects of SUFFERINGS that resulted from our spiritual fallenness. But if we already thought the Magi were “weird” with their appearance, clothes and just showing up in a foreign court asking an uncouth and even ENDANGERING for themselves and others question — as we WATCH them once they find JESUS — it gets even, “WEIRDER!” This is what the Greek words used in the New Testament account, literally indicate. The Magi arrived at JESUS and HIS earthly family’s house. At the moment they observe HIM, they “fall down,” see MAGI page 11  DECEMBER 13, 2024

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