DECEMBER 13, 2024 CONTINUED MAGI from page 8 “fall on their faces” before HIM. There are two Greek words used for this; one of these words can even mean, “as under condemnation,” and the other word can even mean, “to collapse” or “to die.” Both of these words are used of the Magi’s response to JESUS. Each of these words includes the idea of being like in awe and/or bestowing GREAT Honor to a DESERVING, “HIGHER UP.” It’s like they just “came UNDONE” in HIS presence. Was this not a premonition of HIS, SUBSTITUTIONAL, ATONING SUFFERINGS and DEATH? And in the sudden, spiritual OVERCOMING they EXPERIENCED were they not dying to themselves and believing-on THE TRUE ONE WHOM they’d come SO FAR SEARCHING FOR? The HOLY SCRIPTURE also indicates they “saw” HIM; more like seeing with “the mind’s eye” — not just visually looking. It’s like they could sense a spiritual perceiving of themselves — even from this Child, or at least in HIS presence. Then the Magi “worshiped;” a basic, most literal meaning is “to KISS.” Did they kiss the ground in reverence, as they were bowed before HIM? Or did they KISS HIS CUTE, CHUBBY, little boy face? They had been SEEKING HIM for about TWO WHOLE YEARS! Then they gave HIM — to this peasant little boy — some UNUSUAL GIFTS! They didn’t give him any play toy nor clothes. They gave HIM a financially VALUABLE gift; and TWO RARE and VALUABLE spices/fragrances. Perhaps the gifts reflected something of the livelihood of the givers? They SURELY GAVE their BEST of what they had to give. They WANTED to GIVE the BEST of what they had — to JESUS! Can you imagine such a spectacle — in modern day!? Strange foreigners showing up at a poor family’s humble dwelling, having a PURE though DEEP spiritual encounter with the Child of the family, and giving HIM COSTLY GIFTS!? And, the family ACCEPTED FOR ALL THAT to and WITH their Child!? Possibly what they gave would provide for JESUS’ whole family, during TOUGH financial times? They had had to make a trip to Egypt previously and Joseph perhaps was an older-man and VERY probably died before JESUS reached adulthood. The word used for “gold” could denote VALUABLE coins. The fragrances they gave suggested about JESUS royalty and HIS SUFFERINGS and DEATH. Frankincense is sweet when burned and suggests HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS; myrrh is also sweet when CRUSHED and burned, and the CRUSHING definitely connotes SUFFERINGS. These people were “on a mission.” They seem to have REALLY WANTED TO MEET JESUS, personally. It would seem like they also really believed they REALLY HAD TO get these gifts to JESUS; like they had to TESTIFY of HIM and like that GOD had called them to the privilege of PROVIDING for HIS NEEDS. But the coward, “herod — the Great” once again used his mere human means SEEKING to THWART what was the ACTUAL plan of GOD. This time however, the TRAGEDY was to all the male infants of the WHOLE AREA Of JUDEA, from TWO years OF AGE AND LESS — for they were ordered BRUTALLY KILLED via herod’s soldiers (perhaps typically via sword!?) This hearkens to the Hebrew children of Moses’ time, and satan ALWAYS does things in SICK, repeating patterns. This MERCILESS SLAUGHTER of these INNOCENT children was also prophesied as “Rachel weeping for her children.” There are 40+ other overt prophecies in Moses and the Canonical Hebrew poets and prophets that are QUITE OBSERVABLE as being parallel with the person of JESUS and events and aspects concerning HIM; and hundreds more prophecies in these same books that are perhaps slightly more obscure, though RECOGNIZABLE if one “goes a little deeper.” The religious leaders were QUITE familiar with these prophecies (Cf Matt). However, ASTONISHINGLY — they SHUNNED these, even arguably aided with trying to THWART these, while the Magi followed a star, and found — THE SAVIOR! Was the star a direct, in-person manifestation of THE HOLY SPIRIT? It was at least something brought about by THE HOLY SPIRIT — testifying of JESUS, and which testimony the Magi followed. GOD ALWAYS reaches-out to us in ways PERSONAL and UNDERSTANDABLE to EACH person who ACTUALLY WANTS HIM! HE gives us what we NEED to find and relate with — HIM! HE uses the means we can RECOGNIZE and NEED. However, the star as glorious as it was — was just “a Pointer” — to JESUS. A few years later in history, it will be EXACTLY HIS RIGHTFUL TITLE that will be the ironically TRUE accusation that is posted over HIS Cross. “THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” It is also prophesied, “HE will come to HIS Temple;" and this HE fulfilled in HIS first Advent and will yet fulfill in HIS second coming. Therefore, we NEED to “Go to the Magi.” We NEED their faith; they obviously TRUSTED GOD instead of FEARING herod and others. They walked right into a foreign, perhaps “enemy” court. They SURELY had to TRUST GOD over that LONG, two year journey. Were they all from one country? Or did GOD gather them together with each other, along the way? Were there two or 23, or more of them? We NEED their kind of people in our LIVES — courageous and DETERMINED with GOD’S leadings. We NEED to associate with the humble, TRUE-hearted worshipers of JESUS, NOT with the elite religious paralysis, QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT. We NEED their mission and their insight. We are called to VALUE and AID and to ASSUME WHOLENESS and GOOD about, “The Least Of These …” among us. That was UNHEARD of by Rome. We are called to BLESS and PRAY for our enemies — though not to ANY MASOCHISTIC SEEKING of their ABUSINGS of us; this WASN’T even FULLY realized by Moses and the Hebrew prophets and poets. We NEED to REALIZE with the Magi — that JESUS can be perceived as a THREAT, because HE is the only true complete revolutionary who upends, UNDOES, and thus UPSETS — the ways of this world. JESUS changes LIVES and HEARTS. JESUS heals INFIRMITIES and RELATIONSHIPS. JESUS gives us PURPOSE and ULTIMATE GOOD DESTINATION. The SPIRIT OF JESUS spreads around GOD’S MERCIES — in the “Here and Now.” HOW will we LIVE our lives if we REALLY believe this? What are we SEEKING to give to JESUS, and others? We NEED to “Go to the Magi” to learn to RID ourselves of all the DISTRACTIONS of this LIFE and to LOVE and to WORSHIP JESUS and RECEIVE HIS HEALING LOVE for us. We NEED HIS LOVE mutually with each other to RELATE with people and LOVE as HE EMPOWERS us to. Have you heard this song? GROUNDCOVER NEWS "How Many Kings?" by Downhere Follow the star to a place unexpec ted Would you believe, after all we've projected A child in a manger? Lowly and small, the weakest of all Unlikeliest hero, wrapped in his mother's shawl Just a child Is this who we've waited for? Bringing our gifts for the newborn Savior All that we have, whether costly or meek Because we believe Gold for his honor, and frankincense for his pleasure And myrrh for the cross He will suffer Do you believe? Is this who we've waited for? ‘Cause How many kings step down from their thrones? How many lords have abandoned their homes? How many greats have become the least for me? And how many gods have poured out their hearts To romance a world that is torn all apart? How many fathers gave up their sons for me? Only one did that for me Oh, all for me, oh All for me, all for you Only one did that for me All for me, all for you MERRY CHRISTmas! Please see accompanying illustration on page 12. 11
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