P a g e 8 G h o s t T o w n s a n d H i s t o r y o f M o n t a n a N e w s l e t t e r by Mr, Marty.” “Due to the fact that Mr. Marty has a warm, wellventilated hog house, he has been successful in raising winter hogs which brought him fancy prices when placed on an early market. He recommends the building of good hog houses and raising winter hogs.” “Two pastures fenced with woven wire and seeded with winter rye supply the bulk of his hog feed, although corn and skim milk is also fed. He markets about one hundred hogs annually.” "Mr. Marty is far from being dependent upon grain crops; along with his hogs he also has a fine herd of Guernsey-Jersey dairy cows and receives large cream checks monthly.” “Advantage of his timber land for shelter and pasture is obtained by ownership of a fine herd of white-face beef stock which add to the financial returns of the ranch each year.” “Mrs. Marty successfully handles a large flock of turkeys and chickens and is very well satisfied with the checks she receives for eggs and fowl.” "A sixty-foot well supplies a large volume of pure water which is elevated to a storage tank by a windmill. From the elevated tank, the water is piped to the house, garden, and hog house. The hogs are watered by turning a valve. The garden is irrigated likewise. Mr. Marty has endeavored to copy the conveniences and systems of the Iowa farmers where he was reared; his ranch is not only a place to live and prosper, but it is an ideal home as well.” "One of the things that first attracts a stranger as he approaches the premises is the bird houses built and erected on posts by Mr. Marty. One large and prettily painted one has sixteen rooms. In the nesting season all the rooms are occupied. Mr. Marty is enthusiastic about the number of insects and bugs the birds destroy each year. They keep his garden free from these pests.” - Courtesy of Shawn Shawhan, Check out more of his beautiful photos at: https://abyssart.smugmug.com/?fbclid=IwAR0g5qKKbL9fGEjGeQOfnoe7G6IIxGIYn298nyBvXDiHu36eR34AqgCzA4
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