Cul inary Travel…for a journey ful l of flavours! The desi re to i ndul ge i n an i ncred ibl e gastronomi c fa re i s i nspi ri ng many to travel a round the worl d , thereby maki ng cul i na ry travel one of the most promi si ng segments of touri sm. The hi story of travel a rose from the need for peopl e to traverse end l ess l andscapes i n sea rch of food and wa ter. And , i f there’s one thi ng whi ch has defi ned human na ture throughout hi story, i t i s our restl ess, uncontrol l abl e impul se to move, to d i scover and cross new borders, to adapt to new envi ronments---the same unquenchabl e i nqui si ti veness conti nues to thi s age, somethi ng we ca l l touri sm. Tourism i s a soci a l , cul tura l and economi c phenomenon tha t i nvol ves the movement of peopl e to countries or desti na tions outsi de of thei r own. Trad i tiona l l y, desti na tions a re wel l -defi ned geog raphi ca l a reas---pl aces where a travel er can rest, spend time ami dst na ture, appreci a te hi stori ca l monuments, wi tness and be pa rt of the l oca l trad i tions and customs, a ttend festi va l s and events, taste l oca l cui si ne and pa rtake of i ts uni que cul ture and fea tures. Cul inary cul ture i s the l ongest survi vi ng pa rt of a cul ture and trad i tion. Our cui si nes refl ect our customs, rel ig ious bel iefs and habi ts. I n fact, they a re not j ust a mi rror of our da i l y l i festyl e, but a l so of our na tiona l i denti ty. And as an expression of our i denti ty, food provi des an important l i nk to our cul tura l heri tage and connects us to peopl e and pl aces. Over the l ast fi ve odd yea rs, cul i na ry travel and food touri sm has become a ma jor pl ayer i n the travel i ndustry, d ri vi ng g rowth and expansion i n the current and emerg i ng ma rkets as more and more travel ers seek to experience d i fferent cul tures through food , beverage and i ts rel a ted engagements. And i t’s not onl y tour opera tors and agents who a re posi tioni ng themsel ves to thi s surg i ng demand , but properties, resorts, hotel s and stand-a l one restaurants tha t have been prepa ri ng to capi ta l i ze on i t. A cul i na ry travel er desi res l oca l , uni que and i nd i vi dua l i zed travel experiences rooted i n a deeper understand i ng and appreci a tion of the desti na tions they vi si t. Apa rt from authenti ci ty, cul i na ry travel ers a l so seek to expl ore the a rti stry, trad i tions and heri tage surround i ng the food and beverage of the desti na tion, as wel l as the peopl e who crea te food and d ri nk of tha t reg ion. Chefs, wi nemakers, fa rmers and other a rti sans a re hel d i n high rega rd by today’s food ie travel ers. The enthusi asm to i denti fy and understand of wha t happens behi nd the scene, the desi re to know more about the i ng red ients and process of the product has made way for; I nteracti ve cul i na ry demonstra tions, fa rmers ma rket vi si t, spi ce pl anta tion tour, fa rm trips, cooki ng a t a fa rm ki tchen, tea factory vi si t, vi neya rd tour, wa l k over to a l oca l mi l l , j aggery or snack maki ng uni t, d i ni ng a t na ti ve food joi nts, street food experience, a mea l a t a homestay, and a whol e l ot of food rel a ted i nteractions and experiences. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 24 JUNE 2019

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