Suggestion: Have you told the GM and Used Car Manager what cars you need? Have you gone to the auction with the buyer and pointed out the kind of inventory the lenders are looking for? Have a meeting with whoever buys the cars for your store and give them some guidelines. They certainly want to buy cars that can be easily financed. You just need to take an active role and let them know which units those are. "My pay plan stinks". If you can get your Dealer to give you more money, great. Suggestion: Challenge yourself. One of my favorite quotes from one of our top F&I performers was “Give me a pay plan and I’ll give myself a raise”. We work on commission. Get some training. Learn how to sell more stuff, make more money. "These products are too expensive. People won’t buy them". Let’s face it. F&I products are expensive. They need to be to pay for the benefits that they provide. However, the way in which you present them is the key. You have heard me discuss the futility of trying to “sell” or “create value” when presenting F&I products. F&I is not as much a “selling” process as it is a scientific one. Suggestion: Evoking the proper “Psycho-neuro” response is the result of a carefully structured process. Top F&I performance is not about weak and strong; it’s about smart and dumb. Evoking the “primary motivators” without creating sales resistance is the key to eliminating price conflicts. "I’d like to learn some new techniques, but my dealer won’t pay for training right now". Let’s face it; your dealer needs a reason to spend money. And if they have ever paid $2-3000 to send somebody to an F&I school and not seen any improvement in the F&I income, they aren’t going to spend precious money on that. Suggestion: If your dealer is hesitant to pay for training, talk to the agent that sells you your F&I products. Tell them you want some training. They will be willing to help you. After all, if you sell more of their products, they make more money. "I hate training". I understand. Especially if they make you do videotaping and role playing in front of the group. And the training you have previously attended may have been boring and ineffective. That’s why I try to make our training lively, fun, and most importantly, effective. Suggestion: Rather than making excuses, reset your attitude. Remember how excited you were to get that first F&I “manager” job? Your attitude is controlled by you. Training. You can’t rationally expect to improve your results doing everything the same way you’ve been doing it. My Dad had a saying I’ve never forgotten. It was “Learn something new today or you’ll be just as ignorant tomorrow as you were yesterday”. Let your dealer and product agent know you want all the training you can get. Then, work to improve those numbers. The best way to eliminate criticism is to become the top performer in your 20 Group. George 14

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